【书名】Categorical Data Analysis
【作者】Alan Agresti
【ISBN出版号】ISBN: 0-471-36093-7
【关键词】Categotical data analysis,discrete data,contingency table,generalizd linear model,logistic regression
1. Introduction: Distributions and Inference for Categorical Data 1
2. Describing Contingency Tables 36
3. Inference for Contingency Tables 70
4. Introduction to Generalized Linear Models 115
5. Logistic Regression 165
6. Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models 211
7. Logit Models for Multinomial Responses 267
8. Loglinear Models for Contingency Tables 314
9. Building and Extending LoglinearrLogit Models 357
10. Models for Matched Pairs 409
11. Analyzing Repeated Categorical Response Data 455
12. Random Effects: Generalized Linear Mixed Models for
13. Other Mixture Models for Categorical Data* 538
14. Asymptotic Theory for Parametric Models 576
15. Alternative Estimation Theory for Parametric Models 600
Appendix A. Using Computer Software to Analyze Categorical Data 632
A.1 Software for Categorical Data Analysis, 632
A.2 Examples of SAS Code by Chapter, 634
Appendix B. Chi-Squared Distribution Values 654
References 655
Examples Index 689
Author Index 693
Subject Index 701
【原创书评】这本书是WILEY出版的又一本不可多得的好书,介绍categorical数据及处理的各种方法,非常全面详细,包括contingency table,generalizd linear model,logistic regression model,linear mixed model等,无论对初学者还是有一定统计基础的人都很有帮助,我去年有一门课就是以这本书为主要参考书的,今年的另一门课同样更加深入的学习这本书里的内容。强烈向各位统计同行推荐,感谢楼主分享!
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