The 52-week high momentum strategy in international stock markets中第184页写道:“We report the GH momentum profits for each market in Panel A of Table 2. Returns of winners and
losers are reported in the second and third columns, respectively, followed by WML (Winners minus
Losers) representing momentum profits, and the Newey and West (1987) adjusted t-statistics.10
Eighteen of the 20 stock markets in our sample exhibit positive GH momentum returns.”下面是文章中的表,括号内的就是Newey-west调整后的t值
Profits from GH, JT, and MG momentum strategies.
Market Panel A: GH 52-week
high strategy
Panel B: JT (12,1,6) strategy Panel C: MG industrial
momentum strategy
Winner Loser WML t-value Winner Loser WML t-value Winner Loser WML t-value
Australia 1.82 1.40 0.42 (1.17) 2.02 1.42 0.59 (2.22) 1.85 1.29 0.56 (1.95)
Austria 0.69 0.27 0.42 (1.35) 0.88 0.25 0.63 (2.13) 0.62 0.46 0.16 (0.82)
Belgium 1.64 1.04 0.60 (3.55) 2.17 0.71 1.46 (6.76) 1.37 0.82 0.55 (3.45)
Canada 1.62 1.30 0.32 (1.00) 1.79 1.19 0.60 (2.80) 1.72 1.20 0.52 (2.40)
Denmark 1.44 0.67 0.77 (2.89) 1.43 0.79 0.64 (2.94) 1.29 0.99 0.31 (1.66)
France 1.82 0.93 0.88 (4.51) 1.85 1.05 0.80 (4.65) 1.68 1.24 0.44 (3.06)
Germany 1.08 0.20 0.88 (3.32) 1.08 0.29 0.79 (3.63) 0.91 0.50 0.41 (2.06)
Hong Kong 1.74 0.96 0.79 (2.30) 1.49 1.30 0.19 (0.65) 1.51 1.14 0.37 (1.79)