Jenkins, Stephen P. (2004). Survival Analysis, Unpublished manuscript, Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, Colchester, UK.
Cleves, Mario A., William W. Gould & Roberto G. Gutierrez. 2010. An Introduction to Survival
Analysis Using STATA. Texas: STATA Corporation. United States of America9个讲义:
1. Introduction to Lessons and STATA
2. The shape of hazard, survivor and related function
3. Preparing Survival time data for analysis and estimation
4. Estimation of the hazard and survival functions: Kaplan-Meier product-limit and liftable methods
5. Estimation: continuous time models
6. Estimation: discrete time models
7. Unobserved heterogeneity (‘frailty’)
8. Competing risks models
9. Assorted other topics
讲义中提到的例子,数据文件在“10个例子的数据文件”中,运行的程序命令在“8个DO FILE”中
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lesson1 Introduction to introduction to survival analysis
lesson 2 The Kaplan–Meier estimate of the survival function
lesson 3 The Cox Proportional Hazards Model
lesson 4 Modelling with Cox
lesson 5 Extended and Stratified Cox
lesson6 Parametric survival analysis