上次介绍了Angrist的关于计量经济学的一篇布道文,今天继续该话题,介绍Sims对Angrist & Pischke (2010)的一篇言辞激烈的批评。其实,作为宏观经济、金融学的资深学者,Sims的这篇文章可以说是宏观应用计量对微观应用计量的宣战,当然,Sims会说:战火是A&P挑起的,因为他们之前那篇论文中对宏观经济的说法实在是太离谱了。
“This essay by Angrist and Pischke, in its enthusiasm for some real accomplishments in certain subfields of economics, makes overbroad claims for its favored methodologies. What the essay says about macroeconomics is mainly nonsense.”
若只是因为A&P对宏观计量的误解,Sims还不至于如此生气,真正惹他愤慨的大概是当前主流经济学对计量的认识都倾向于A&P所理解的模式:"Recent enthusiasm for single-equation, linear, instrumental-variables approaches in applied microeconomics has led to many economists in these fields losing the ability to think formally and carefully about the central issues of nonexperimental inference — what Griliches saw, and I see, as the core of econometrics."
在Sims看来,应用微观经济所采用的计量模型过于简单,这是因为应用研究的很多读者是缺乏专业训练却易受研究结果影响的人,这会反向导致应用研究不必要的扭曲和简单化。虽然A&P也指出了早期应用计量中的问题,如毫无根据地使用IV,但是Sims认为他们对于单式-线性-单工具变量模型的过分推崇是误导性的:they are helping create an environment in which applied economists emerge from PhD programs not knowing how to undertake deeper and more useful analysis of the data.
相对来说,Sims认为计量在宏观经济中的应用比A&P所说的有更大的进步意义,他主要使用了货币政策的例子加以说明:The interaction of vector autoregressions (VARs), structural vector autoregressions (SVARs) and econometrically estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models (DSGEs) has led to broad consensus on the consequences of shifts in central bank interest rate policy。 这些方法并未采用“自然实验”的模式,而是利用多方程模型,而且在宏观政策得到了广泛的切实应用。
A&P所代表的"OLS+Sandwich standard errors"方法已被广为滥用,而且电脑技术的发展增加了研究者对这种方法的依赖性,Sims认为这不该被奉为圭臬,估计结果对于决策者来说往往不具有现实意义。而替代性的方法,如multi-equation models, mixed and mixture models, nonlinear models, GLS,实则应该得到更多的重视。