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1. SSW鼻祖

Smith, V. L., Suchanek, G. L., & Williams, A. W. (1988). Bubbles,crashes, and endogenous expectations in experimental spot asset markets. Econometrica,56(5), 1119-1151.


2. 已有文献综述

Palan, S. (2013). A review of bubbles and crashes in experimental assetmarkets. Journal of Economic Surveys, 27(3), 570-588.

Noussair, C. N., & Tucker, S. (2013). Experimental research on assetpricing. Journal of Economic Surveys, 27(3), 554-569.

3. 泡沫本质:理性、非理性和Common expectation的讨论

Cheung, S. L., Hedegaard, M., & Palan, S. (2014). To see is tobelieve: Common expectations in experimental asset markets. European EconomicReview, 66, 84-96.

Kirchler, M., Huber, J., & Stoeckl, T. (2012). Thar She Bursts:Reducing Confusion Reduces Bubbles. American Economic Review, 102(2), 865-883.doi: 10.1257/aer.102.2.865

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J., & Van De Velden, H. (2008).Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments. Journal of EconomicBehavior & Organization, 67(1), 116-133.

Haruvy, Lahav, Y., & Noussair. (2007). Traders' expectations in assetmarkets: Experimental evidence. American Economic Review, 97(5), 1901-1920.

Huber, J., & Kirchler, M. (2012). The impact of instructions andprocedure on reducing confusion and bubbles in experimental asset markets.Experimental Economics, 15(1), 89-105.

Long, J. B., Shleifer, A., Summers, L. H., & Waldmann, R. J. (1990).Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation.Journal Of Finance, 45(2), 379-395.

4. 市场结构因素的影响

Ackert, Charupat, N., Church, B., & Deaves, R. (2006). Margin, shortselling, and lotteries in experimental asset markets. Southern EconomicJournal, 73(2), 419-436.

Berlemann, M., & Vöpel, H. (2012). Tournament incentives and assetprice bubbles: Evidence from a field experiment. Economics Letters, 115(2),232-235.

Caginalp, Porter, D., & Smith, V. (1998). Initial cash/asset ratioand asset prices: An experimental study. Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences of the United States of America, 95(2), 756-761

Cheung, & Palan, S. (2012). Two heads are less bubbly than one: Teamdecision-making in an experimental asset market. Experimental Economics, 15(3),373-397.

Deck, C., Porter, D., & Smith, V. (2014). Double Bubbles in AssetsMarkets With Multiple Generations. Journal Of Behavioral Finance, 15(2), 79-88.

James, D., & Isaac, R. M. (2000). Asset markets: How they areaffected by tournament incentives for individuals. American Economic Review,90(4), 995-1004.

Porter, D., & Smith, V. (1995). Futures Contracting and DividendUncertainty in Experimental Asset Markets. Journal Of Business, 68(4), 509-541.

Smith, van Boening, M., & Wellford, C. P. (2000). Dividend timing andbehavior in laboratory asset markets. Economic Theory, 16(3), 567-583.

Williams, A. W. (2008). Price bubbles in large financial asset markets.In C. R. Plott & V. L. Smith (Eds.), Handbook of Experimental EconomicsResults (pp. 242–246): Amsterdam: North Holland.

Palan, S. (2010). Digital options and efficiency in experimental assetmarkets. Journal Of Economic Behavior & Organization, 75(3), 506-522.

Oechssler, J., Schmidt, C., & Schnedler, W. (2011). On theingredients for bubble formation: Informed traders and communication. JournalOf Economic Dynamics & Control, 35(11), 1831-1851.

Noussair, & Tucker, S. (2006). Futures markets and bubble formationin experimental asset markets. Pacific Economic Review, 11(2), 167-184.

Noussair, C., Robin, S., & Ruffieux, B. (2001). Price bubbles inlaboratory asset markets with constant fundamental values. ExperimentalEconomics, 4(1), 87-105.

5. 个体差异因素(heterogeneity)的影响

Eckel, C. C. (2015). "Thar SHE Blows? Gender, Competition, andBubbles in Experimental Asset Markets." The American Economic Review105(2): 906-920

Akiyama, E., Hanaki, N., & Ishikawa, R. (2014). How do experiencedtraders respond to inflows of inexperienced traders? An experimental analysis.Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 45, 1-18.

Deck, C., Porter, D., & Smith, V. (2014). Double bubbles in assetsmarkets with multiple generations. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 15(2), 79-88.

Gong, B., Lei, V., & Pan, D. (2013). Before and after: The impact ofa real bubble crash on investors’ trading behavior in the lab. Journal ofEconomic Behavior & Organization, 95, 186-196.

Ackert, & Church, B. K. (2001). The Effects of Subject Pool andDesign Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets. Journal ofPsychology and Financial Markets, 2(1), 6-28.

Akiyama, E., Hanaki, N., & Ishikawa, R. (2014). How do experiencedtraders respond to inflows of inexperienced traders? An experimental analysis.Journal Of Economic Dynamics & Control, 45, 1-18.

Andrade, E. B., Odean, T., & Lin, S. (2014). Bubbling withExcitement: An Experiment. working paper.

Caginalp, G., Porter, D., & Smith, V. (2000). Momentum andoverreaction in experimental asset markets. International Journal Of IndustrialOrganization, 18(1), 187-204.

Caginalp, G., Porter, D., & Smith, V. (2001). Financial Bubbles:Excess Cash, Momentum, and Incomplete Information. Journal of Psychology andFinancial Markets, 2(2), 80-99

Dufwenberg, M., Lindqvist, T., & Moore, E. (2005). Bubbles andexperience: An experiment. American Economic Review, 95(5), 1731-1737.

Fellner, G., & Maciejovsky, B. (2007). Risk attitude and marketbehavior: Evidence from experimental asset markets. Journal Of EconomicPsychology, 28(3), 338-350. doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2007.01.006

Fiedler, M. (2011). Experience and Confidence in an Internet-Based AssetMarket Experiment. Southern Economic Journal, 78(1), 30-52.

Gong, B., Lei, V., & Pan, D. (2013). Before and after: The impact ofa real bubble crash on investors' trading behavior in the lab. Journal OfEconomic Behavior & Organization, 95, 186-196.

Hargreaves Heap, S. P., & Zizzo, D. J. (2012). Emotions and Chat in aFinancial Markets Experiment. CBESS Discussion Paper 11-11. University of EastAnglia.  

King, R. (1991). Private information acquisition in experimental marketsprone to bubble and crash. Journal Of Financial Research, 14(3), 197-206.

Michailova, J., & Schmidt, U. (2011). Overconfidence and Bubbles inExperimental Asset Markets Kiel Working Paper No. 1729. Kiel Institute for theWorld Economy.  

6. 泡沫控制政策(bubblecontrol policy

Kleinlercher, D., Huber, J., & Kirchler, M. (2014). The impact ofdifferent incentive schemes on asset prices. European Economic Review, 68,137-150.

Cheung, S. L., & Coleman, A. (2014). Relative performance incentivesand price bubbles in experimental asset markets. Southern Economic Journal,81(2), 345-363.

Haruvy, E., Noussair, C. N., & Powell, O. (2014). The impact of assetrepurchases and issues in an experimental market. Review of Finance, 18(2),681-713.

Lugovskyy, V., Puzzello, D., Tucker, S., & Williams, A. (2014). Asset-holdingscaps and bubbles in experimental asset markets. Journal of Economic Behavior& Organization, 107, 781-797.

Fischbacher, U., Hens, T., & Zeisberger, S. (2013). The impact ofmonetary policy on stock market bubbles and trading behavior: Evidence from thelab. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 37(10), 2104-2122.

Corgnet, B., Kujal, P., & Porter, D. (2013). Reaction to PublicInformation in Markets: How much does Ambiguity Matter?. The EconomicJournal,123(569), 699-737.

Chan, K. S., Lei, V., & Vesely, F. (2013). Differentiated assets: Anexperimental study on bubbles. Economic Inquiry, 51(3), 1731-1749

Corgnet, B., Kujal, P., & Porter, D. (2010). The effect ofreliability, content and timing of public announcements on asset tradingbehavior. Journal Of Economic Behavior & Organization, 76(2), 254-266.

Giusti, G., Jiang, J. H., & Xu, Y. (2014). Interest on Cash,Fundamental Value Process and Bubble Formation on Experimental Asset Markets.Bank of Canada Working Paper 2014-18. Bank of Canada.  

Lugovskyy, V., Puzzello, D., & Tucker, S. (2011). An ExperimentalStudy of Bubble Formation in Asset Markets Using the Tatonnement TradingInstitution. Department of Economics and Finance.


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关键词:泡沫研究 资产泡沫 文献下载 实验室 Experimental 资产泡沫 实验 SSW 个体差异 控制政策


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  • 1998 Initial cash asset ratio and asset prices an experimental study.pdf
  • 1995 Futures contracting and dividend uncertainty in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 1991 Private information acquisition in experimental markets prone to bubble and crash.pdf
  • 1990 Positive Feedback Investment Strategies and Destabilizing Rational Speculation.pdf
  • 1988 Bubbles, Crashes, and Endogenous Expectations in Experimental Spot Asset Markets.pdf
  • 2015 Thar SHE Blows_Gender, Competition, and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
  • 2014 To see is to believe Common expectations in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2014 The impact of different incentive schemes on asset prices.pdf
  • 2014 The Impact of Asset Repurchases and Issues in an Experimental Market.pdf
  • 2014 Relative Performance Incentives and Price Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
  • 2014 Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles.pdf
  • 2014 How do experienced traders respond to inflows of inexperienced traders_An experimental analysis.pdf
  • 2014 Experimental evidence on varying uncertainty and skewness in laboratory double-auction markets.pdf
  • 2014 Double Bubbles in Assets Markets With Multiple Generations.pdf
  • 2014 Do option-like incentives induce overvaluation_Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2014 Bubbling with Excitement An Experiment.pdf
  • 2014 Asset-holdings caps and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2014 Asset price bubbles a survey.pdf
  • 2014 Interest on Cash, Fundamental Value Process and Bubble Formation on Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
  • 2013 The impact of monetary policy on stock market bubbles and trading behavior Evidence from the lab.pdf
  • 2013 The Bubble Game An Experimental Study of Speculation.pdf
  • 2013 Super-exponential bubbles in lab experiments Evidence for anchoring over-optimistic expectations on price.pdf
  • 2013 Stulz, R. M., Harris, M., & Constantinides, G. M. (2013). Handbook of the Economics of Finance SET. Amsterdam North Holland..pdf
  • 2013 Reaction to Public Information in Markets How much does Ambiguity Matter.pdf
  • 2013 In the Mind of the Market Theory of Mind Biases Value Computation during Financial Bubbles.pdf
  • 2013 Fight or freeze Individual differences in investors' motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2013 Differentiated assets An experimental study on bubbles.pdf
  • 2013 Before and after The impact of a real bubble crash on investors' trading behavior in the lab.pdf
  • 2013 A Review of bubbles and crashes in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2012 Two heads are less bubbly than one team decision-making in an experimental asset market.pdf
  • 2012 Tournament incentives and asset price bubbles Evidence from a field experiment.pdf
  • 2012 The impact of instructions and procedure on reducing confusion and bubbles in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2012 Thar she bursts_reducing confusion reduces bubbles.pdf
  • 2012 Relative performance information in asset markets An experimental approach.pdf
  • 2012 Excitement and irrationality in a financial market.pdf
  • 2012 Bubbles and Information An Experiment.pdf
  • 2012 Asset Characteristics and Boom and Bust Periods An Experimental Study.pdf
  • 2011 Overconfidence and Bubbles in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
  • 2011 On the ingredients for bubble formation Informed traders and communication.pdf
  • 2011 Experience and Confidence in an Internet-Based Asset Market Experiment.pdf
  • 2011 An Experimental Study of Bubble Formation in Asset Markets Using the Tatonnement Trading Institution.pdf
  • 2010 The effect of reliability, content and timing of public announcements on asset trading behavior.pdf
  • 2010 Digital options and efficiency in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2010 Bubble measures in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2009 An experimental test of the impact of overconfidence and gender.pdf
  • 2008 Thar She Blows Can Bubbles Be Rekindled with Experienced Subjects.pdf
  • 2008 Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments.pdf
  • 2007 Traders’ expectations in asset markets_experimental evidence.pdf
  • 2007 Risk attitude and market behavior Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2006 The effect of short selling on bubbles and crashes in experimental spot asset markets.pdf
  • 2006 Margin, short selling, and lotteries in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2006 Futures markets and bubble formation in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2005 bubbles and experience An experiment.pdf
  • 2003 Boundaries of the tournament pricing effect in asset markets Evidence from experimental markets.pdf
  • 2002 Simultaneous over- and underconfidence Evidence from experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2002 Do Speculative Stocks Lower Prices and Increase Volatility of Value Stocks.pdf
  • 2001 The Effects of Subject Pool and Design Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets.pdf
  • 2001 Price bubbles in laboratory asset markets with constant fundamental values.pdf
  • 2001 Financial Bubbles_Excess Cash, Momentum, and Incomplete Information.pdf
  • 2000 Momentum and overreaction in experimental asset markets.pdf
  • 2000 Dividend timing and behavior in laboratory asset markets.pdf
  • 2000 Asset markets How they are affected by tournament incentives for individuals.pdf

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张麒麟 发表于 2015-5-4 01:28:06 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
7. 脑神经初探(Neural investigation)
Smith, A., et al (2014). Irrational exuberance and neural crash warning signals during endogenous experimental market bubbles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(29), 10503-10508.
De Martino, B., O’Doherty, J. P., Ray, D., Bossaerts, P., & Camerer, C. (2013). In the mind of the market: Theory of mind biases value computation during financial bubbles. Neuron, 79(6), 1222-1231.
8.从classic model 到behavior model再到new generation
Scherbina, A., & Schlusche, B. (2014). Asset price bubbles: A survey. Quantitative Finance, 14(4), 589-604
9. 如果想挑战极限的话,请阅读这篇文章
Moinas, S., & Pouget, S. (2013). The bubble game: an experimental study of speculation. Econometrica, 81(4), 1507-1539.


daoming 发表于 2015-5-5 01:15:44 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
thanks for sharing


allyeyre 发表于 2017-5-3 22:34:30 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


zlhai 在职认证  发表于 2018-2-6 15:19:07 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
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