【2015】 An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology

Book 图书名称: An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology
Author 作者: Maia Martcheva
Publisher 出版社: Springer
Page 页数:
Publishing Date 出版时间: Oct 21, 2015
Language 语言: English
Size 大小: 7 MB
Format 格式: pdf 文字版
ISBN: 1489976116, 9781489976116
Edition: 第1版 搜索过论坛,没有该文档
The book is a comprehensive, self-contained introduction to the mathematical modeling and analysis of infectious diseases. It includes model building, fitting to data, local and global analysis techniques. Various types of deterministic dynamical models are considered: ordinary differential equation models, delay-differential equation models, difference equation models, age-structured PDE models and diffusion models. It includes various techniques for the computation of the basic reproduction number as well as approaches to the epidemiological interpretation of the reproduction number. MATLAB code is included to facilitate the data fitting and the simulation with age-structured models.
== Table of contents ==
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