共享两本书最优化理论的书, 都是我读过的最好的.
1. Varaiya P. Lecture Notes on Optimization
2. Methods of Mathematical Economics: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Fixed-Point Theorems
By Joel N. Franklin
Published by SIAM, 2002
ISBN 0898715091, 9780898715095
297 pages
这里是Methods of Mathematical Economics在Google Book的目录, 大家可以先预览一下.
这里是Methods of Mathematical Economics在Google Book的目录, 大家可以先预览一下.
1 | |
12 | |
index sets, dual problem, vector | |
20 | |
Lagrange multiplier, feasible solution, dual inequalities | |
27 | |
independent columns, linearly independent, basic solutions | |
32 | |
matrix, basic feasible solution, linear algebra | |
44 | |
convex set, convex combinations, convex hull |
52 | |
Fredholm alternative, basic cones, convex hull | |
62 | |
slack variables, dual vector, duality principle | |
68 | |
perturbation theory, non-singular, information theory | |
79 | |
pivot element, slack variables, tableau | |
93 | |
simplex algorithm, Simplex Method, numbers | |
97 | |
simplex algorithm, lexicographic ordering, vector space | |
104 | |
calories, convex set, dimensionless | |
112 | |
mixed strategy, payoff matrix, symmetric game | |
127 | |
Integer Programming, knapsack problem, Integer Linear Programming | |
132 | |
L. R. Ford, D. R. Fulkerson, maximal flow | |
141 | |
maximal flow, integer linear programming, network flow | |
156 | |
supplies and demands, numbers, algorithm | |
177 | |
190 | |
concave functions, Fritz John, Theorem | |
205 | |
posynomial, geometric programming, convex function | |
Brouwer fixed-point theorem, unit ball, Green's theorem | |
251 | |
barycentric coordinates, Sperner's lemma, barycentric subdivision | |
272 | |
Banach space, mixed strategies, uniform convergence | |
293 | |
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-11 20:48:01编辑过]