ExcelHome 论坛,尤其是精华部分,很好的学习资料;
2.Excel 技巧网 | Excel 专家栖息谷 | 微软中文技术社区合作伙伴
http://www.exceltip.net/3.Mr Excel (Bill Jelen)
Your One Stop for Excel Tips & Solution
3. http://MrExcel.com is an entire community of Excel gurus who are dedicated to helping you unleash the power of Excel.
4.ExcelUser.Com (Charley Kyd)
http://www.exceluser.com/ExcelUser Founder by Charley Kyd, MBA, Microsoft Excel MVP, 2005-2014
The Father of Spreadsheet Dashboard Reports
5.Chandoo.org (Purna Duggirala)
Learn Excel, Charting Online BECOME AWESOME IN EXCEL
学习Excel Dashboards的不错的网站,网站中的资源下载有组织的比赛的作品,可以下载,学习、模仿、欣赏。
6. Datascopic (Oz du Soleil)-博客Blog - Oz du Soleil
Excel and Data Literacy
DataScopic provides data management, data literacy, workshops and tutoring on maximizing Excel and improving data integrity.
7.Contextures (Debra Dalgleish) ,
Excel Tips and Tutorials网站上有按照字母排序的教程清单,可以浏览
8.Jon Peltier's Excel Pagehttp://peltiertech.com/index.html
Peltier Tech Excel Charts and Programming Blog
9.The Spreadsheet Page, JWalk & Associates http://spreadsheetpage.com/ J-Walk & Associates is a small company owned by me: John Walkenbach. I've been using spreadsheets since the early days of VisiCalc.Excel Bible《Excel 2013宝典》比较全面经典的教程。
10.Excel Campus (Jon Acampora)
Learn Excel ,Worker Smarter & Save Time
11.Extreme Presentation(Extremely effective communication of complex information)
1. Audience2. Objectives3. Problem / Solution4. Evidence5. Anecdotes6. Sequencing7. Charts8. Slide Layout9. Stakeholder Analysis10. Measuring Success 其中,7. Charts 最为经典的是提出了,图表选择指南,刘万祥老师翻译的中文版,被网站采用……
12.Visual Business Intelligence (Stephen Few)
Visual Business Intelligence for enlightening analysis and communication
Perceptual Edge focuses on the tools and techniques of visual business intelligence to help you make better use of your valuable information assets.
Stephen Few在数据可视化上,非常出名,就不再赘述……
以上是简单总结的10个 Excel MVP 网站,不足之处欢迎补充~
There are far too many for me to list all of them, so this is just a list, in no particular order...