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[水煮经管] 新军备竞赛:美国敦促盟友阻止华为参与5G建设 [推广有奖]





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America Pushes Allies to Fight Huawei in New Arms Race With China


Jeremy Hunt, the British foreign minister, arrived in Washington last week for a whirlwind of meetings dominated by a critical question: Should Britain risk its relationship with Beijing and agree to the Trump administration’s request to ban Huawei, China’s leading telecommunications producer, from building its next-generation computer and phone networks?

英国外交大臣杰里米·亨特(Jeremy Hunt)上周抵达华盛顿,马不停蹄地参加了一系列会议,主导会议的一个关键问题是:英国是否应该冒着与北京搞坏关系的风险,同意特朗普政府的要求,禁止中国主要的电信制造商华为参加英国下一代计算机和移动电话网络的建设?

Britain is not the only American ally feeling the heat. In Poland, officials are also under pressure from the United States to bar Huawei from building its fifth generation, or 5G, network. Trump officials suggested that future deployments of American troops — including the prospect of a permanent base labeled “Fort Trump” — could hinge on Poland’s decision.

英国不是唯一感受这种到压力的美国盟友。波兰的官员们也面临着来自美国的压力,要求他们禁止华为建设波兰的第五代(5G)网络。特朗普政府官员暗示,美国军队未来的部署将会取决于波兰的决定,包括在波兰建立一个名为“特朗普堡”(Fort Trump)的永久性基地的可能性。

And a delegation of American officials showed up last spring in Germany, where most of Europe’s giant fiber-optic lines connect and Huawei wants to build the switches that make the system hum. Their message: Any economic benefit of using cheaper Chinese telecom equipment is outweighed by the security threat to the NATO alliance.


Over the past year, the United States has embarked on a stealthy, occasionally threatening, global campaign to prevent Huawei and other Chinese firms from participating in the most dramatic remaking of the plumbing that controls the internet since it sputtered into being, in pieces, 35 years ago.


The administration contends that the world is engaged in a new arms race — one that involves technology, rather than conventional weaponry, but poses just as much danger to America’s national security. In an age when the most powerful weapons, short of nuclear arms, are cyber-controlled, whichever country dominates 5G will gain an economic, intelligence and military edge for much of this century.


The transition to 5G — already beginning in prototype systems in cities from Dallas to Atlanta — is likely to be more revolutionary than evolutionary. What consumers will notice first is that the network is faster — data should download almost instantly, even over cellphone networks.


It is the first network built to serve the sensors, robots, autonomous vehicles and other devices that will continuously feed each other vast amounts of data, allowing factories, construction sites and even whole cities to be run with less moment-to-moment human intervention. It will also enable greater use of virtual reality and artificial intelligence tools.


But what is good for consumers is also good for intelligence services and cyberattackers. The 5G system is a physical network of switches and routers. But it is more reliant on layers of complex software that are far more adaptable, and constantly updating, in ways invisible to users — much as an iPhone automatically updates while charging overnight. That means whoever controls the networks controls the information flow — and may be able to change, reroute or copy data without users’ knowledge.


In interviews with current and former senior American government officials, intelligence officers and top telecommunications executives, it is clear that the potential of 5G has created a zero-sum calculus in the Trump White House — a conviction that there must be a single winner in this arms race, and the loser must be banished. For months, the White House has been drafting an executive order, expected in the coming weeks, that would effectively ban United States companies from using Chinese-origin equipment in critical telecommunications networks. That goes far beyond the existing rules, which ban such equipment only from government networks.


Nervousness about Chinese technology has long existed in the United States, fueled by the fear that the Chinese could insert a “back door” into telecom and computing networks that would allow Chinese security services to intercept military, government and corporate communications. And Chinese cyberintrusions of American companies and government entities have occurred repeatedly, including by hackers suspected of working on behalf of China’s Ministry of State Security.


But the concern has taken on more urgency as countries around the world begin deciding which equipment providers will build their 5G networks.



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杨明凡 在职认证  发表于 2019-1-31 12:03:13 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群

Huawei said Mr. Wang had brought “disrepute” on the company and his actions had nothing to do with its operations.


Mr. Wang’s lawyer, Bartlomiej Jankowski, says his client has been caught up in a geopolitical tug of war between the United States and China.

王伟晶的律师巴特罗梅耶·扬科夫斯基(Bartlomiej Jankowski)称,他的客户卷入了美中之间的地缘政治拉锯战。

American and British officials had already grown concerned about Huawei’s abilities after cybersecurity experts, combing through the company’s source code to look for back doors, determined that Huawei could remotely access and control some networks from the company’s Shenzhen headquarters.


On careful examination, the code that Huawei had installed in its network-control software did not appear to be malicious. Nor was it hidden. It appeared to be part of a system to update remote networks and diagnose trouble. But in some circumstances, it could also route traffic around corporate data centers — where firms monitor and control their networks — and its mere existence is now cited as evidence that hackers or Chinese intelligence could use Huawei equipment to penetrate millions of networks.


American officials and academics say Chinese telecommunications companies have also temporarily hijacked parts of the internet, rerouting basic traffic from the United States and Canada to China.


One academic paper, co-written by Chris C. Demchak, a Naval War College professor, outlined how traffic from Canada meant for South Korea was redirected to China for six months. That 2016 attack has been repeated, according to American officials, and provides opportunity for espionage.

美国海军军事学院(Naval War College)教授克里斯·丹查克(Chris C. Demchak)与人合著了一篇学术论文,概述了加拿大原本想输送给韩国的流量如何在六个月内被重新定向到中国。据美国官员表示,2016年的那次攻击多次重演,为间谍活动提供了可乘之机。

Last year, AT&T and Verizon stopped selling Huawei phones in their stores after Huawei begin equipping the devices with its own sets of computer chips — rather than relying on American or European manufacturers. The National Security Agency quietly raised alarms that with Huawei supplying its own parts, the Chinese company would control every major element of its networks. The N.S.A. feared it would no longer be able to rely on American and European providers to warn of any evidence of malware, spying or other covert action.


华沙一家华为专卖店。本月,波兰政府高调逮捕了两名间谍,其中包括一名华为员工。 MACIEK NABRDALIK FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

The Rise of Huawei

In three decades, Huawei has transformed itself from a small reseller of low-end phone equipment into a global giant with a dominant position in one of the crucial technologies of the new century.


Last year, Huawei edged out Apple as the second-biggest provider of cellphones around the world. Richard Yu, who heads the company’s consumer business, said in Beijing several days ago that “even without the U.S. market we will be No. 1 in the world,” by the end of this year or sometime in 2020.


The company was founded in 1987 by Mr. Ren, a former People’s Liberation Army engineer who has become one of China’s most successful entrepreneurs.


American officials say the company started through imitation, and even theft, of American technology. Cisco Systems sued Huawei in 2003, saying it had illegally copied the American company’s source code. The two companies settled out of court.

美国官员表示,该公司是通过模仿甚至窃取美国技术起家的。思科系统(Cisco Systems)在2003年起诉华为,称其非法复制了这家美国公司的源代码。两家公司达成庭外和解。

But Huawei did not just imitate. It opened research centers (including one in California) and built alliances with leading universities around the world. Last year, it generated $100 billion in revenue, twice as much as Cisco and significantly more than IBM. Its ability to deliver well-made equipment at a lower cost than Western firms drove once-dominant players like Motorola and Lucent out of the telecom-equipment industry.


While American officials refuse to discuss it, the government snooping was a two-way street. As early as 2010, the N.S.A. secretly broke into Huawei’s headquarters, in an operation, code-named “Shotgiant,” a discovery revealed by Edward J. Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor now living in exile in Moscow.

虽然美国官员拒绝讨论这个问题,但政府的窥探是双向的。早在2010年,国家安全局就曾在一个代号为“射杀巨人”(Shotgiant)的行动中秘密侵入华为总部。目前流亡莫斯科的国家安全局前承包商雇员爱德华·J. 斯诺登(Edward J. Snowden)透露了这一发现。

Documents show that the N.S.A. was looking to prove suspicions that Huawei was secretly controlled by the People’s Liberation Army — and that Mr. Ren never really left the powerful army unit. It never found the evidence, according to former officials. But the Snowden documents also show that the N.S.A. had another goal: to better understand Huawei’s technology and look for potential back doors. This way, when the company sold equipment to American adversaries, the N.S.A. would be able to target those nations’ computer and telephone networks to conduct surveillance and, if necessary, offensive cyberoperations.


In other words, the Americans were trying to do to Huawei the exact thing they are now worried Huawei will do to the United States.


A Global Campaign

特朗普总统去年会见波兰总统安杰伊·杜达。杜达建议美国在波兰建一个基地和训练营,并半开玩笑地称之为“特朗普堡”。 DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES

After an uproar in 2013 about Huawei’s growing dominance in Britain, the country’s powerful Intelligence and Security Committee, a parliamentary body, argued for banning Huawei, partly because of Chinese cyberattacks aimed at the British government. It was overruled, but Britain created a system to require that Huawei make its hardware and source code available to GCHQ, the country’s famous code-breaking agency.

2013年,由于华为在英国的主导地位日益增强,英国强大的议会机构情报与安全委员会(Intelligence and Security Committee)提出了禁止华为的主张,部分原因是中国针对英国政府的网络攻击。这一提议被否决,但英国创建了一个系统,要求华为将其硬件和源代码提供给英国著名的密码破译机构GCHQ。

In July, Britain’s National Cyber Security Center for the first time said publicly that questions about Huawei’s current practices and the complexity and dynamism of the new 5G networks meant it would be difficult to find vulnerabilities.

今年7月,英国国家网络安全中心(National Cyber Security Center)首次公开表示,鉴于对华为目前做法的质疑,以及新的5G网络的复杂性和动态,意味着漏洞是很难找到的。

At roughly the same time, the N.S.A., at a series of classified meetings with telecommunications executives, hadto decide whether to let Huawei bid for parts of the American 5G networks. AT&T and Verizon argued there was value in letting Huawei set up a “test bed” in the United States since it would have to reveal the source code for its networking software. Allowing Huawei to bid would also drive the price of building the networks down, they argued.


The director of the N.S.A. at the time, Adm. Michael S. Rogers, never approved the move and Huawei was blocked.

当时的国家安全局局长迈克尔·S·罗杰斯上将(Michael S. Rogers)从未批准这一举动,华为被挡在美国之外。

In July 2018, with these decisions swirling, Britain, the United States and other members of the “Five Eyes” intelligence-sharing alliance met for their annual meeting in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where Chinese telecommunications companies, Huawei and 5G networks were at the top of the agenda. They decided on joint action to try to block the company from building new networks in the West.

2018年7月,英国、美国和“五眼”(Five Eyes)情报共享联盟的其他成员国在加拿大新斯科舍省的哈利法克斯举行了年度会议,主要议题是中国的电信企业、华为和5G网络。他们决定采取联合行动,阻止该公司在西方建立新的网络。

American officials are trying to make clear with allies around the world that the war with China is not just about trade but a battle to protect the national security of the world’s leading democracies and key NATO members.


On Tuesday, the heads of American intelligence agencies will appear before the Senate to deliver their annual threat assessment, and they are expected to cite 5G investments by Chinese telecom companies, including Huawei, as a threat.



天天爬树 发表于 2019-1-31 21:39:24 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


马列光 发表于 2019-2-1 23:59:33 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


eco-china 发表于 2019-2-3 11:23:39 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


ddddngl 在职认证  发表于 2019-2-6 17:45:15 来自手机 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群
杨明凡 发表于 2019-1-31 12:00
美国和中国都认为,谁主宰了5G,谁就将在本世纪大部分时间里获得经济、情报和军事上的优势。BY DAVID E. SA ...


wengsuode 发表于 2019-2-25 14:36:28 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


wengsuode 发表于 2019-2-25 14:37:08 |只看作者 |坛友微信交流群


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