黃河泉 发表于 2019-6-28 10:05
就是用 xthreg,要看啥?
xtunitroot ips TE, trend demean
Im-Pesaran-Shin unit-root test for TE
Ho: All panels contain unit roots Number of panels = 65
Ha: Some panels are stationary Number of periods = 3
AR parameter: Panel-specific Asymptotics: T,N -> Infinity
Panel means: Included sequentially
Time trend: Included Cross-sectional means removed
ADF regressions: No lags included
Fixed-N exact critical values
Statistic p-value 1% 5% 10%
t-bar . -4.000 -3.130 -2.900
t-tilde-bar .
Z-t-tilde-bar . *
* Normality of Z-t-tilde-bar requires at least 7 observations
per panel with balanced data and a time trend.