I wish to repeat: GDP omits human capital (just as it omits environmental capital; i.e. "Green GDP".) GDP does not equal economic growth or national strength. Thus, this fellow Dr. Lin does not perceive the damage of the 31 years-long 1-child policy.
Again, human capital forms approximately 2/3 of national wealth, environmental capital 1/6, and the human-made wealth 1/6. GDP mainly tracks the last. As a first-order estimate: If the 1/6 grows at 10%, but the 2/3 shrinks at 50% per cohort,
annual real economic growth equals minus 32%.
Not only is China not growing, it is dying. The value of destroyed human capital far exceeds the buildings and goods whatnot built.
A policy of national depopulation and dumbing-down subtracts from GDP in ways not immediately appear:
1) It halves the national talent accumulated in cities. The bulk talent of every country migrates to the cities, and the commis have halved China's, and to re-halve again in the next 30 years.
Who should produce China's innovation (already evanescent) after a talent reduction of 75%? Can this unthinking "Dr." Lin Yifu answer an 101-level question?
2) The pre-emptive destruction of all family businesses this generation, and in the next, as well as of surviving family businesses. Most businesses in the West are Jewish-founded-or-hijacked-and-run family businesses, at the board-room level at least. Family members play an essential role in MONITORING employees and scattered offices. Anything not monitored gets stolen or falls apart. Moreover, the Jews rely on their Jews-only secret society of B'nai B'rith (membership circa 400,000) to monitor their worldwide assets. The commis don't understand how private businesses actually work because none ever operated one and killed who did.
No families = no global businesses