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The Log-Multiplicative Layer Effect Model for Comparing Mobility Tables

文献名称 The Log-Multiplicative Layer Effect Model for Comparing Mobility Tables
文献作者 Yu Xie
作者所在单位 University of Michigan
文献分类 已发表文献
学科一级分类 统计
学科二级分类 统计学
文献摘要 I propose the log-multiplicative layer effect modelfor comparing mobility tables. The model
constrains cross-table variation in the origin-destination association to be the log-multiplicative
product of a common association pattern and a table-specific parameter. Like Yamaguchi's
(1987) uniform layer effect model, the log-multiplicative layer effect model provides
one-parameter tests and thus facilitates analysis of the difference in "vertical mobility"
between two mobility tables. Compared to the uniform layer effect model, the log-multiplicative
layer effect model is far more flexible in specifying the origin-destination association.
Virtually all two-way mobility models can be incorporated into the log-multiplicative layer
effect model while retaining their usual interpretability.A ll that is required is that the tables
being compared have a common pattern for the origin-destination association. Properties of
the new model are demonstrated using three data sets previously analyzed in comparative
mobility research. The same methodology can be generalized to the analysis of multiple twoway
contingency tables if the two-way association of primary interest is specified tofollow a
common pattern, albeit with different levels, across the tables.
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关键字 The Log-Multiplicative Layer Effect Model ;Comparing Mobility Tables
发表所在刊物(或来源) American Sociological Review, Vol. 57, No. 3 (Jun., 1992), pp. 380-395
发表时间 Jun., 1992
适用研究领域 统计学
上传时间 2011-1-20 16:53
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