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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 目录 摘要1 Abstract1 引言3 一、 教育行政职能3 二、 造成我国教育行政职能转变相对滞后的原因4 (一)我国教育主管部门自主权受一定制约4 (二)我国有些教育主管领导存在官僚作风5 三、 有效实现教育行政职能的途径7 (一)转变思想观念,由强调职能形式的转变到注重职能转变的实效7 (二)正确树立教育行政组织在公共管理过程中的角色地位7 (三)切实做到教育管理过程中的依法办事,依法行政8 (四)国家应当扩大教育主管部门和学校的自主权9 四、结语11 参考文献:12 注释:12 摘要:长期以来,我国在教育行政管理体制上一方面是中央高度集中统一,地方的权力过少,各级政府在教育事务上的管理权力和责任缺乏法律上的划分,从而脱离了各地经济和社会发展不平衡的实际,束缚了地方政府和人民群众发展教育事业的积极性;另一方面,在教育行政权的行使上,主体的分散,教育行政部门以外的其他行政部门承担了大量的教育行政管理职能,致使政出多门,教育行政部门难于做到统筹规划和管理,确保教育事业协调发展。我国教育行政职能转变与社会发展形式不相吻合,教育行政职能的转变滞后于社会发展。教育行政职能应该重点放在教育政策制定,教育经费投入,教育改革的推进,教育环境的改善等方面。“有所为,有所不为”,政府对学校的直接管理职能应当大幅度的削减,摆脱长期计划经济下对学校微观过程进行直接管理的格局,真正变管治政府为服务政府。本文详细分析了当前教育行政职能相对滞后的原因,提出了有效实现教育行政职能的途径。 关键词:教育行政,职能,途径 Abstract:Since long time ago, in the educational administration management system, China on the one hand is central high degree of concentration, and the local authority is too few, all levels of governments lacks in legislation at education business management authority and the responsibility division, thus the central government separates from the reality that the local economy and the society developed differently, this has fettered the enthusiasm of local authority and people to develop the education; On the other hand, on education executive, the main body disperse, other administrative departments outside the educational administration department's has undertaken the massive educational administration management function, the educational administration department has difficulty to plan and manage, so as to guarantees the education to develop harmoniously. Our country’s educational administration function transformation is not consistent with the society development form, it lags behind the development of the society. The educational administration function should emphasize on the education policy formulation, education funds investment, and education reform promotion and education environment improvement. "Something should do, something should not do", the government must reduce the school direct management function in large scale, get rid of the microscopic process management pattern which carried under the long-term plan economy, so the governing government will be the serving government. This article detailedly analyses the reason why educational administration function transformation is not consistent with the society development form, and then advance the avenue about how to realize the educational administration function effectiveeffectiveeffectiveeffectively. Key words:Educational administration, Function, Avenue
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