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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 目录 摘要1 Abstract1 一、 引言3 二、 长三角经济圈的形成及发展3 三、扬州融入长三角经济圈的可能性和必要性4 四、融入长三角的基本思路5 (一) 挖掘自身潜力,明确经济定位6 (二) 构筑便利交通,发挥区域优势8 (三)敢拼敢闯,主动接轨9 五、 总结11 参考文献12 摘要:以上海为龙头,苏浙为两翼的长江三角洲取得了令世人瞩目的成就。扬州作为当中的一员,在其强烈的经济辐射下,加快了融入的步伐。它在积极与兄弟城市进行合作交流的同时,应充分认识到自身潜在的发展能力,发挥历史文化内涵;考虑到各种问题因素的存在,开拓思路,努力创新;不断完善基础设施建设,在追赶式的发展中,实现优势互补,充分释放创新活力和发展能量;在招商引资的浪潮中达到社会和经济的和谐,走出一条属于扬州的独特发展之路。 关键字:长三角,扬州,创新,优势互补 Abstract: The Yangtze River Delta which is led by Shanghai, and the flanks of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, has made world-renowned achievements. Yangzhou as the one of it, has accelerated the pace of integration, in its strong economic radiation. It is brotherly cooperation and exchanges between cities in a positive and at the same time, it should be fully aware of their own potential development capacity, play historical and cultural significance; taking into account various factors in the problem exists, explore new ideas, innovative efforts; constantly improve infrastructure construction, catch up with the kind of development that complement each other's strengths and to fully release the vitality and development of innovative energy; investment in the wave of achieving social and economic harmony out of the Yangzhou is a unique development. Key words: Yangtze River Delta, Yangzhou, innovative efforts, complement each other's strengths
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