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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
行政管理论文范文 目录 一、引言3 二、擦边球广告的创意手法探析3 (一)采用性话题为手法的擦边球广告3 (二)采用政治题材为手法的擦边球广告5 (三)采用反民族主义或反传统观念为手法的擦边球广告6 (四)采用文字游戏或打“概念”牌为手法的擦边球广告8 三、提升擦边球广告创意水准的建议10 (一)把握好擦边球的“度”10 (二)适合目标市场的文化背景10 (三)关注消费者的想法和意见11 (四)提升广告人自身的素养11 四、结语11 致 谢12 参考文献13 摘要: 广告行业竞争激烈,广告创意已越来越被商家和广告人重视,其中擦边球广告扮演了重要的角色。擦边球广告是在不违反法律和一些规范的前提下,通过联想和暗示,以吸引众多消费者的目光。因此打擦边球广告成为了众多企业迅速占领市场的重要选择。但是事物是两面的,擦边球广告是一把双刃剑,它既可能使你一夜成名,也能使你臭名远扬,而决定成败的则是其手法的高下。 关键词: 广告,擦边球,创意,手法,研究 Abstract: The advertisement profession competition is intense, the advertisementcreativity already more and more takes by the merchant and theadvertisement person, edge ball advertisement has acted the importantrole. The edge ball advertisement is in does not violate legal andunder some standards premises, through the association and thesuggestion, attracts the multitudinous consumer's vision. Thereforehits the edge ball advertisement to become in order to themultitudinous enterprise rapidly seizes the market the importantchoice. But the thing is both sides, the edge ball advertisement is adouble-edged sword, it already possibly causes a your night to becomefamous, also can cause you to be notorious, but decided the success orfailure is a technique which its uses. Keywords: advertisement, edge ball, Creativity, Technique,Research
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