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ÐÐÕþ¹ÜÀíÂÛÎÄ·¶ÎÄ Ä¿Â¼ ÕªÒª1 Abstract.1 ÒýÑÔ2 Ò» ¡¢Ã½ÌåÔÚÕþ¸®Ó¦¶ÔÍ»·¢Ê¼þÖз¢»ÓµÄ×÷ÓÃ2 ¶þ¡¢Ã½Ìå½éÈëÕþ¸®Î£»ú¾ö²ßʱËùÊܵÄÖÆÔ¼·ÖÎö4 1¡¢Õþ¸®·½Ãæ´æÔڵľÖÏÞ4 2¡¢ÐÂÎÅ´«Ã½×ÔÉí´æÔÚµÄÎÊÌâ6 Èý ¡¢½â¾ö´«Ã½¶ÔÕþ¸®Î£»ú¾ö²ßµÄ¸ºÃæÓ°Ïì7 1¡¢Õþ¸®½Ç¶È7 2¡¢Ã½Ìå½Ç¶È9 ½áÓï10 ²Î¿¼ÎÄÏ×11 Ö л12 ÕªÒª£º½üÄêÀ´£¬ÊÀ½çÉÏÐí¶à¹ú¼ÒÂÅÂÅ·¢Éú×ÔÈ»ÔÖº¦£¬Ê¹ÊÔÖº¦£¬¹«¹²ÎÀÉúʼþÒÔ¼°Éç»á°²È«µÈÉç»áÍ»·¢Ê¼þ£¬¸øÃñÖÚµÄÇéÐ÷ºÍÉç»áµÄÎȶ¨Ôì³ÉÁËÒ»¶¨Ó°Ïì¡£ÔÚµ±½ñÐÅÏ¢Éç»á£¬Õþ¸®²¿ÃÅÔÚÓ¦¶ÔΣ»úʼþµÄ¾ö²ß¹ý³ÌÖУ¬µÃµ½ÁË´óÖÚ´«Ã½µÄÐÅÏ¢Ö§³ÖºÍÓßÂÛÒýµ¼Ö§³Ö¡£ÒòΪ´«Ã½ºÍÕþ¸®×ÔÉíµÄһЩԭÒò£¬ÐÂÎÅýÌåÔÚÔÚÕþ¸®Ó¦¶ÔÍ»·¢Ê¼þ¹ý³ÌÖз¢»Ó×÷ÓõÄͬʱ£¬Ò²Êܵ½ÁËÕþ¸®È¨ÍþºÍ´«²¥»úÖƵÄÏÞÖÆ¡£ÔÚÉç»áÍ»·¢Ê¼þƵ·¢µÄ½ñÌ죬Õþ¸®ºÍýÌ嶼Ӧ¸Ã½â¾öºÃ¸÷×Ô´æÔÚµÄÎÊÌ⣬¹¹½¨´óÖÚ´«Ã½ÓëÕþ¸®Ö®¼äµÄºÍг¹Øϵ¡£ ¹Ø¼ü´Ê£º´óÖÚ´«Ã½¡¢Í»·¢Ê¼þ¡¢Õþ¸®¾ö²ß¡¢×÷Óà Abstract: In recent years, social problems, such as natural disasters, accident disasters, public health issues, and social security, have been happening in many countries, which have caused certain influence to the public as well as the society. In this information society, when facing social crisis, the government has acquired the help from the media in means of information support as well as public opinion support. .Because of some problems reside in the media and the government, while news media is playing a pivotal part in assisting the government solving crisis, the media is constrained by the government authority as well as itself. Nowadays when social crisis events happen frequently, both the government and the media should resolve the problems that reside inside them, and then build a harmonic relationship in between. Key words: mass media ¡¢social crisis event¡¢decision of the government¡¢effection
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