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发布时间:2015-01-11 来源:人大经济论坛
国际贸易论文范文 目 录 1 引论.......................................................- 2 - 1.1 人才本土化简介.............................................- 2 - 1.2跨国公司人才本土化现状.....................................- 2 - 2. 摩托罗拉在华人才本土化现状.................................- 3 - 3. 摩托罗拉人才本土化的动因与优势.............................- 4 - 3.1 摩托罗拉人才本土化的动因...................................- 4 - 3.2摩托罗拉人才本土化的优势...................................- 4 - 4. 摩托罗拉在华人才本土化的策略...............................- 5 - 4.1 用成熟的招聘机制聘用本土员工...............................- 6 - 4.2 在华开设研究院.............................................- 7 - 4.3 独特的员工培训.............................................- 8 - 4.4 独特的留人哲学.............................................- 9 - 5. 摩托罗拉人才本土化策略给予我国本土企业的启示...............- 10 - 5.1 本土企业人才流失现状.......................................- 10 - 5.2 本土企业人才流失的影响.....................................- 10 - 5.3 本土企业如何应对人才流失...................................- 11 - 参考文献.......................................................- 13 - 致 谢.........................................................- 14 - 摘 要 人才本土化是指跨国公司的国外子公司利用东道国的人力资源,使其成为企业员工的主体。本文以摩托罗拉公司为例,介绍了跨国公司在华人才本土化的现状、动因、策略及其对我国企业的启示。文章认为,到目前为此,摩托罗拉中国公司的员工已经有90%是中国人,管理层中有72%以上是中国人,即它基本上实现了人才本土化。摩托罗拉实现人才本土化,有助于减少因文化差异所造成的经营管理的上矛盾和低效率,有利于降低人工成本,增强摩托罗拉公司在中国的信任感,不仅提高了企业的国际化形象,而且有助于保持经营管理人员的相对稳定。摩托罗拉人才本土化的具体策略是:一是用成熟的招聘机制聘用本土员工;二是,在华设立研究院,充分利用中国高科技行业的人力资源;三是,重视员工培训;四是,运用独特的留人哲学留住人才为其服务。摩托罗拉人才本土化给我国企业提供了许多有益的启示。目前我国企业人才流失严重,影响了企业的长远发展。为了留住人才,我国企业必须借鉴外企的人才本土化经验,树立以人本为的思想,改革人才管理体系,培养和用好人才。 【关键词】跨国公司 人才本土化 内部机会制度 Abstract Localization of talents means that the foreign subsidiary of multinational company makes use of the human resource of host country, turning them to be the main part of enterprise employees. This paper bases on the example of Motorola, introduces current condition, motivation and strategy of localization of talents of multinational companies in china and it’s enlightenment to the enterprises of our country. The article regarded, Chinese people have already been 90% of the employees of Motorola China, and there’re over 72% Chinese in the management, so it has realized localization of talents basically. It helps to reduce contradictions and inefficiencies of operation and management caused by cultural differences, and helps to lower cost of labor, Strengthens the trust feeling of Motorola Company in China. Not only enhances enterprise's internationalization image, but also helps to maintain management personnel’s relatively stable. The concrete strategies of talent localization of Motorola: one, employs local staffs by using mature recruitment mechanism; two, establishes research institute in China to make full use of human resources in China's high-tech industries; three, emphasizes on staffs training; four, utilizes unique philosophy to detain talents to serve for it. Talent Localization of Motorola provides a lot of useful enlightenment to enterprises of our country. At present, China's enterprises have serious brain drain affecting the enterprise's long-term development. In order to retain talent, China's enterprises must learn from the experience of talent localization, establish a human-oriented concept, reform personnel management system, cultivate and make good use of talents. 【key words】Transnational Companies; Localization of Talents; Internal Opportunity System
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