一、引言- 1 -
二、人民币升值的背景与原因- 1 -
(一)人民币升值背景- 1 -
(二)人民币升值的原因- 2 -
三、人民币汇率制度和理论分析- 2 -
(一)中国人民币汇率制度的演变- 2 -
(二)人民币汇率理论分析- 3 -
1.购买力平价理论(The Theory of Purchasing PowerParity)- 3 -
2.实际均衡理论(The Theory of Real Equilibrium)- 3 -
3.国际收支理论(The Theory of Balance of Payment)- 3 -
四、人民币升值对我国经济的影响- 4 -
(一)人民币升值对我国经济的有利方面- 4 -
1.本币升值将增强人民币的支付能力- 4 -
2.提高我国货币政策的独立性- 5 -
3.降低我国发生通胀的可能并刺激股市- 5 -
4.提升我国的产业结构- 5 -
5.人民币升值促进对外贸易- 6 -
(二)虽然人民币升值对我国有诸多的好处,但是,有利就有弊- 7 -
1.人民币升值不利于引进外资- 7 -
2.可能加剧我国的资本外流- 7 -
3.人民币升值,我国巨额外汇储备面临缩水的可能- 7 -
4.人民币升值会减低中国企业的利润,增大就业压力- 8 -
五、我国政府如何应对人民币升值- 8 -
1.正确认识经济增长中的本币升值问题- 8 -
2.汇率调整必须坚持独立自主、循序渐进的原则- 8 -
3.在实现内外均衡目标时,应坚持货币政策的独立性- 8 -
4.必须采取有效措施扩大内需,防止泡沫经济- 8 -
5.逐步放宽外汇管制,在外贸企业中适时推行意愿结汇制- 8 -
6.加强区域货币合作,化解汇率升值压力- 9 -
六、结论- 9 -
参考文献:- 10 -
摘 要
Summary:This article begins with the background of the appreciation of RMB,and comprehensive exposition of the RMB exchange rate mechanism , focuses on the impact on chinese economy of reva luation of RMB, including positive and negative effects, using basic economic models and data analysis, detailed proof of the strong appreciation of the RMB's possible effects on the Chinese economy,and summarized the strategy of Chinese government should to. At the end of the article, the author has made his own views on this issue, analyzed the present situation of RMB reva luation, came to a timely appreciation of the RMB will have an inestimable positive significance for China's economic development in the conclusion, and put forward reasonable proposals.
关键词: 人民币汇率 升值 正面影响 负面影响