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发布时间:2015-01-13 来源:人大经济论坛
护理学论文范文  论文题目:综合护理对促进极低出生体重儿健康生长的效果分析 摘 要 目的:通过对早产低体重儿实施综合护理,观察早产低体重儿的体重增长状况。 方法: 2008 年3 月~ 2010 年3 月我科收治适于胎龄的早产低体重儿60 例。排除先天性消化道畸形、先天性遗传性疾病、 无呼吸系统支持治疗。干预组将四种护理干预措施进行流程重组,形成护理循环贯穿于早产低体重儿的整个喂养护理中。将四种护理干预措施进行流程重组,形成护理循环贯穿于早产低体重儿的整个喂养护理中。 结果:干预后干预组终末体重2.18±0.31kg,比对照组2.02±0.28kg高,有显著性差异(P<0.01),干预组平均每日增长体重0.015±0.15kg,比对照组0.0046±0.16kg高,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。 结论: 随着围产专业技术的发展与进步 ,越来越多的极低出生体重儿及超极低出生体重儿被抢救治疗存活。而极低出生体重儿的皮肤柔嫩 ,角质层很薄 ,受压时间过长或受大小便等污物的刺激 ,易破损而引起感染。皮肤是细菌侵入身体的一个途径 ,严格的皮肤护理是防止感染的重要环节 ,不可被忽视。所以做好极低出生体重儿的皮肤护理 ,减少对皮肤的刺激是防止感染的重要环节。 关键词: 低体重儿;皮肤护理;健康生长 论文类型:应用研究 Title: Strengthening the very low birth weight children's skin care can promote the growth of their health ABSTRACT Objectives: To improve child feeding premature and low birth weight tolerance, low birth weight premature children to promote the growth of body weight, than the implementation of a single more significant effect nursing interventions that can effectively shorten the length of hospital stay in preterm children, as soon as possible reunion with the mother to establish breastfeedingto reduce complications, improve their quality of life. Methods: March 2008 ~ March 2010 our department treated preterm low birth weight appropriate for gestational age children of 60 cases. Rule out the congenital digestive tract malformations, congenital genetic diseases, no respiratory support treatment. Intervention group, four nursing interventions to process reengineering, the formation of circulating throughout the care of children with low birth weight premature nursing care throughout the feeding. The four types of nursing interventions process reengineering, cycle through the formation of nursing children in premature and low birth weight throughout the feeding nursing.Results: The intervention group, the terminal weight of 2.18 ± 0.31kg, compared with the control group 2.02 ± 0.28kg high, there was significant difference (P <0.01), intervention group, the average daily increase of body weight 0.015 ± 0.15kg, compared with the control group 0.0046 ±0.16kg high, there were significant differences (P <0.01). Conclusion: With the development of perinatal expertise and progress, more and more very low birth weight and extremely low birth weight children are rescued children survived the treatment. The very low birth weight child's skin soft, thin cuticle, loading time is too long or the stimulation by urine and dirt, easy to break and cause infection. Bacteria invade the body's skin is a way, a strict skin care is an important part of preventing infection can not be ignored. So do very low birth weight children's skin care, reduce skin irritation is an important part of preventing infection KEY WORDS: low birth weight children; skin care; healthy growth TYPE OF THESIS: Application research 目 录 目 录VII 1.1背景及意义1 1.2研究目的及目标1 1.3关键词及定义1 1.4文献回顾2 2 研究设计4 2.1 研究类型4 2.2 研究对象4 2.3 研究方法4 2.4 研究步骤4 2.5 统计方法5 3 研究结果6 3.1一般资料6 3.2护理结果6 4 讨论7 5.1结论9 5.2 本文的局限和展望9 致 谢10 参考文献11
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