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发布时间:2015-01-14 来源:人大经济论坛
电子信息工程毕业论文范文 目 录 摘要I AbstractII 第1章 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 开发背景1 1.3 本文主要工作和研究内容2 第2章 基于SED1335的液晶显示模块3 2.1 CM320240-3BCWB简介3 2.2 硬件接口引脚介绍4 第3章 SED1335指令集5 第4章 驱动程序介绍14 4.1 LCDDRIVE.H头文件程序介绍14 4.2 硬件接口层介绍16 4.2.1 LCD Write Command()函数介绍16 4.2.2 LCD_WriteData()函数介绍16 4.3 LCM的用户接口层介绍17 4.3.1 void GUI_Initialize(void)函数介绍17 4.3.2 LCD_Initialize()函数介绍17 4.3.3 LCD_FillAll()函数介绍19 4.3.4 LCD_UpdatePoint()函数介绍20 4.4 与LCM相关的GUI接口函数介绍21 4.4.1 void GUI_FillSCR(uint8 dat)函数介绍21 4.4.2 void GUI_ClearSCR()函数介绍21 4.4.3 GUI_Point()函数介绍22 4.4.4 GUI_ReadPoint()函数介绍23 4.4.5 GUI_HLine()函数介绍23 4.4.6 GUI_RLine()函数介绍24 4.5 测试函数介绍25 致 谢28 参考文献29 摘要 液晶(Liquid Crystal)显示技术的发展经历了相当漫长的过程,液晶显示屏幕大体上可分为液晶单色屏幕和液晶彩色屏幕两种。液晶单色屏幕主要运用于电子手表、计算器、手持式游戏机等设备,它的主要优点是成本低廉;彩色屏的优点是色彩丰富,可以显示静态和动态的彩色图片,但价格昂贵,多应用于手持设备及要求较高的场合。 本课题在ARM LPC2214芯片下用C语言编程实现CM320240液晶模块的驱动软件设计,该模块采用了专用于液晶驱动的SED1335芯片,为单色显示。该芯片与MCU的接口简单,软件设计方便。由于C语言具有可直接操作硬件的特点而不用ARM汇编语言的抽象性和复杂性,大大简少了工作量,本课题完成了液晶驱动的各软件函数的设计,包括液晶屏幕的初始化函数、命令和数据读写函数、屏幕数据的填充和清除函数、以及点更新函数等。通过调用这些函数可以实现液晶屏幕各种数据和字符的显示,并且具备一定的通用性。 关键字: 液晶显示技术,SED1335芯片 Abstract The development of Liquid Crystal Display technology has experienced quite a long process, LCD screen can be generally divided into monochrome screen and color screen two kinds. Monochrome LCD screen is also called TN (Twisted Nematic)screen which mostly used in electronic watches, calculators, hand-portable game machines and other equipments, and the low price is its best advantagements. Color LCD screen has the advantage of rich colors and can display static and dynamic color photographs, but the price is higher. It is normally used in protable devices and critical occasions. Based on LPC2214 ARM chip, this dissertation uses C Language to complete CM320240 LCD Driver Software Design. This module use SED1335 LCD Driver IC for monochrome display. The MCU chip has simple interface and software design. As ARM Assembly Language is abstract and complex nature, by contrast with it, C Language has the characteristics of direct manipulation with the hardware which can greatly simplify the workload. Up to now, the dissertation has completed the function of the software design which includes LCD screen initialization function, orders and data to read and write function, screen data remove and fill function, update function and others. Calling these functions can display LCD screen data and characters. These functions can be used in other platforms. Keywords: Liquid Crystal Display technology, SED1335 Chip Driver
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