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发布时间:2014-06-09 来源:人大经济论坛
电子信息工程毕业论文范文 摘要:本文主要研究一种新型的人机交互模式:在三维空间里通过手的运动来操纵二维空间中(PC桌面)鼠标的运动。这种新的交互方式将使移动设备(手机)成为一个人机交互的新工具,来代替原有的传统交互手段。我们所研究的方法是基于ARM平台Symbian系统中的移动设备(手机)在不同运动状态的背景下,通过分析内置摄像头所捕获的图像来感知手机用户实时手的运动方向或是唯一物体的运动方向。为此,我们分别在运动和静止背景下,进行了相关的研究: 1.运动背景下。就是将移动设备(手机)置于手中,通过手中设备的运动来感知其运动方向。 其算法是通过整个图像背景的变化来感知方向的。 2.静止背景下。即是将移动设备(手机)处于静止不动状态,通过静止背景中唯一物体的运动来感知其运动方向。 在对图像的处理过程中,我们采用了最优化算法、改进算法1及改进算法2三种算法。并做了一些相关的实验,通过实验来分析这些算法的性能。这使得实验增加了一定的准确性。 这项研究运用了手机本身的资源,运用与人的互动操作,在运动空间上提高了人机的交互性能。该项科研成果可以成功运用于工作娱乐、休闲,等领域。 关键词:移动设备;计算机视觉;带摄像头手机;数字图象处理;运动估计;人机交互;手势识别 Abstract:This paper researches a new kind of human computer interaction model: It can operate the moving of the mouse in 2D (PC desk) by hand movement in 3D.The new sort of human computer interaction model makes the cell phone become a new tool for human computer interaction, instead of the original tradition ones. We present the method that the cell phone which based on the ARM platform and Symbian system detect a mobile phone user’s hand movement direction in real time or detect the only object movement direction by analyzing image sequences captured by built-in camera on different movement background. So as that, we carried on an investigation on movement and motionless background respectively: 1. Movement background. It makes the cell phone in the hand to detect the hand movement by the movement of the cell phone. The algorithm relies on the change of the background. 2. Motionless background. It means that the cell phone is in still state and the moving direction is detected by the only object movement. In the process of image treating, We use three algorithms, i.e. the optimization algorithm、improving algorithm1 and improving algorithm2.We also perform some relative experiment for analyzing performance of these algorithms. As a result, the conclusion of experiment increases the precision to a certain extent. This research takes advantage of the resource on the cell phone itself and the interactive operation with human, which improves the performance of human computer interaction on movement space. It can be used successfully in a number of areas :such as working、entertainment、leisure and so on. Keywords: Mobile Devices , Computer Vision , Camera Mobile Phones , Digital Image Processing , Motion Estimation , Human Computer Interaction , Gesture Recognition
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