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发布时间:2015-01-14 来源:人大经济论坛
电子信息工程毕业论文范文 目录 摘 要1 Abstract2 第一章 绪论5 1.1 数字图像与数字图像处理5 1.2 课题研究背景及意义7 1.3 形态学处理的研究现状8 1.3.1 边缘检测9 1.3.2 形态骨架提取9 1.3.3 噪声滤除10 1.3.4 细化处理10 1.3.5 图像滤波11 1.3.6 边缘提取11 1.4 本文的总体架构和主要工作12 第二章 VC++ 6.0开发平台和MFC简介13 2.1 Visual C++ 6.0开发平台简介13 2.2 MFC类库14 第三章 灰度图像形态学算法16 3.1二值图像的数学形态学的基本算法16 3.1.1 膨胀16 3.1.2 腐蚀16 3.1.3 开启和闭合17 3.2灰度图像的数学形态学的基本算法18 3.2.1 膨胀18 3.2.2 腐蚀18 3.2.3 开启和闭合19 第四章 实验和结果分析20 4.1实验一 观察形态学膨胀算法20 4.1.1 步骤和效果图比较20 4.1.2 结果分析21 4.2实验二 观察形态学腐蚀算法22 4.2.1 步骤和效果图比较22 4.2.2结果分析23 4.3实验三 观察形态学开启、闭合算法23 4.3.1 步骤和效果图比较23 4.3.2结果分析25 4.4结论25 第5章 不足与展望26 5.1 不足点26 5.2 展望26 致谢27 文献参考28 摘 要 数字图像处理是计算机应用领域中的一个重要方面,涉及众多科学的理论问题和实际方法,它影响到了科学技术和社会的各个方面。我们以灰度形态学处理的基本算法(膨胀、腐蚀、开启、闭合)为基础,可以将这些算法合成以实现边界提取、图像分割、梯度变换、去除噪声、边界检测等等。本文主要介绍用VC++实现形态学处理的四种基本算法:膨胀、腐蚀、开启和闭合。二值形态学中的运算对象是集合,数学形态学运算是用结构元素(Structuring Element)B对图像集合A进行操作。灰度形态学运算是将操作对象看作是图像函数,是用结构元素b(x ,y)对图像函数f(x ,Y)进行形态学处理,而不在是集合意义上的处理。实验结果表明,形态学处理达到了我们可以用一定形态的结构元素去度量和提取图像中的对应形状以达到对图像分析和识别的目的。膨胀可以扩大对象的所有边界一个像素,腐蚀可以缩小对象的边界,开启和闭合都可以使边界轮廓光滑.因而形态学处理保持了图像基本的形状特性,并除去不相干的结构。 关键字: 数字图像,灰度, 数学形态学,膨胀,腐蚀,开启,闭合 Abstract Digital image processing is an important aspect in the calculator applied realm, which involves the theories problem of numerous sciences and actual method. It has affected each aspect of science technology and society. We take the gradation morphology processing basic algorithm (Dilate, Erode, Open and Close) as the foundation, and we can combine these algorithm to realize extraction boundary, image segmentation, grads transform , Degrease noise , boundary measuring etc.. This text mainly introduces how to use VC++ to carry out four kinds of basic arithmetic of gray morphological processing: Dilate, Erode, Open and Close. The processed object of two value morphology is concourse, mathematical morphology operation uses structuring element B to process image concourse A. Gray morphological operation regards the object as the image functions, morphology operation uses the structuring element b(x ,y) to process image functions f(x ,Y).but not processing in image concourse. The experiment results show that morphology processing can be achieved with that we can use some structural elements to measure and distill corresponding shape of image to achieve the Image analysis and identification purposes. Dilate can be expanded to all boundary with one pixel, Erode can be reduced boundary borders, Open and Close will allow smooth boundary contour。Thus morphological processing can maintain the image of the basic characteristics of shape and remove extraneous structure. Key words: digital image, gray, Mathematical Morphology, Dilate, Erode, open, close.
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