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发布时间:2015-01-15 来源:人大经济论坛
化工专业论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目 录III 1 绪论1 1.1 重金属离子在废水中的化学形态1 1.2 金属离子废水处理方法1 1.3 电渗析原理4 2 实验部分7 2.1 实验设备7 2.2 实验试剂与原料8 2.3 实验操作8 3 实验结果与讨论8 3.1 铜浓度分析8 3.2 单因素考察12 4 总结与展望16 致 谢17 参考文献18 摘 要:金属离子废水,尤其是重金属废水,会对环境造成严重破坏,必须对其进行相应处理才能达到排放要求。本文通过对相关文献进行调研,以铜镍离子为例,详细研究和介绍了用电渗析来处理重金属废水的方法,并对其他方法也进行了简单介绍。实验考察了料液室流量、原料浓度、电流强度、铜镍互相干扰情况以及铜镍混合溶液对迁移结果的影响,并且还研究了一定条件下铜镍的极限迁移量。结果表明:料液室流量适中(80L/h),原料浓度适中(Cu2 +浓度0.15g/L),电流强度适中(1.5A)对迁移结果有利;以模拟工厂排放浓度配制的混合溶液能顺利被迁移完,而其中的镍离子迁移速度要比铜离子快;铜的极限迁移量远远超过了工厂直接回用浓度,所以用电渗析法从金属废水中回收铜镍离子的方法可行有效。 关键词:金属离子废水;铜;镍;电渗析;极限迁移量 Abstract: The waste water of metallic ion, especially the heavy metal, can be a severe destruction to the environment. So we must take proper disposals to reach the level of waste discharge. Through investigating to some relevant literatures, in this thesis we take copper ion as an example, mainly study and present a method of disposing the heavy metal waste water by electrodialysis, and simply present other methods as well. The liquid flow in chamber, the concentration of raw materials, current intensity, the interference of Cu2+ and Ni2+and the effect of the mixture solutions for the transfer result and also the maximum transport quantity were studied. The result shows that, moderate liquid flow in chamber (80L/h), the material concentration of raw materials (concentration of Cu2+ is 0.15g/L) and moderate current intensity(1.5A) are beneficial to the result of transfer. The mixture solutions whose concentration is simulated to the factories’ real emission concentration can also be totally transferred; meanwhile, Ni2+ transfers faster than Cu2+. The maximum transport quantity of Cu2+ is much bigger than the recycling quantity of the factories’, so it’s possible to recycle Cu2+ and Ni2+ from the waste water by electrodialysis. Keywords: Metal ion waste water; Copper; Nickel; Electrodialysis;Maximum transport quantity
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