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发布时间:2015-01-16 来源:人大经济论坛
计算机专业论文范文 摘 要 当前,我国志愿者的行列不断壮大,对志愿者培训将有非常大的需求,但是传统的课堂式培训满足不了不断扩大的培训需求,因此开发与设计一项基于网络志愿者培训平台具有一定的前景和实际意义,也是对传统培训的一种有益的扩展与补充。 该平台将在内容方面体现出培训→考核→志愿者资料管理→信息发布→招募一体化的流程。 “志愿者培训平台”不只是一个提供资源学习与共享平台,更重要的是实现一种志愿者培训与管理相结合的功能,以方便培训与招募一体化。而且还提供一种志愿者交流与资源共享的功能。 关键词: 培训平台,志愿者,招募,自主学习 ABSTRACT At present, a number of people join the ranks of volunteers among on our country. For the volunteer training will have a very large demand, but the traditional classroom-based training can’t meet the growing demand for training. Development and design of a Web-based training platform for entry volunteers have some prospects and practical significance, is also a useful training of traditional and complementary extension. The platform would reflect volunteer training → Assessment → Data Management → News → Recruitment integration process. "Volunteer training platform" is not just a resource for learning and sharing, more importantly, volunteer training and management to achieve a combination of features to facilitate the integration of training and recruitment. Volunteers also provide a communication and resource sharing functions. Keywords: Training platform, volunteers, recruitment, independent learning 目 录 摘 要I ABSTRACTII 第一章 引 言1 1.1课题背景1 1.2 选题意义1 1.3 研究内容1 1.4制作流程简述3 第二章 志愿者培训平台制作综述6 2.1开发工具对比介绍6 2.2开发环境与技术7 2.2.1 开发工具与环境7 2.2.2 开发语言7 2.2.3 ASP.NET 技术7 2.2.4 数据库技术8 第三章 志愿者培训平台需求分析设计10 3.1简介及相关结构10 3.2培训内容分析10 3.3功能分析与设计11 第四章 主要模块设计与实现13 4.1 主页面设计13 4.2 主模块的设计与实现15 4.2.1 页面模块的分析15 4.2.2 代码的分析19 4.2.3 数据库的分析23 第五章 结束语28 致 谢29 参考文献30 附录 源代码32
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