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发布时间:2015-01-18 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 单元机组给水控制系统分析 摘要 机组要安全运行不允许汽包水位过高或过低,维持汽包水位是锅炉、汽机安全运行所必须的。在锅炉的启/停过程中,给水控制十分重要。汽包水位是锅炉安全、稳定、经济运行的一个非常重要的监控参数,维持汽包水位正常是保持汽轮机和锅炉安全运行的重要条件。随着锅炉参数提高和容量扩大,系统对给水控制提出了更高的要求。 本文阐述了国内外给水控制系统的发展现状,在讨论给水调节系统的被控对象动态特性、热工测量信号、调节机构特性的基础上,分析了三冲量给水控制系统的结构及工作原理以及单冲量控制系统与三冲量控制系统间的无扰切换,提出了实现单元制给水全程控制系统应考虑的问题和多种传统单元制给水控制方案。 详细阐述了单元机组给水全程控制系统的特点、构成原理和控制功能,分析了系统的总体结构、工作原理、调试及参数整定原则,并以某发电厂逻辑图为例,分析了给水控制系统的控制过程、控制逻辑、系统控制过程中的跟踪和切换方式等。 关键词:单元机组;给水;控制系统;汽包水位 The analysis of the unit feed-water control system Abstract If you want the unit run safely, the drum level too high or too low are not allowed .To ensure the boiler and the steam-engine run safely, you must keep the drum level in suit. In the start / stop process of the boiler, the feed-water control is very important. Drum level is a very important monitoring parameter in security, stability and economic operation of the boiler, keep the drum level normal is important conditions to maintain the drum turbine and boiler safe operation. With the parameters increase and expand capacity of the boiler, the feed-water control system must development. The paper expatiate the development of the feed-water control system at home and abroad. Based on the basis of discussing the dynamic characteristic, thermodynamic measuring signals and the characteristic of regulating machine of the feed-water regulating system, control projects of unit whole-course feed-water control system is presented after analyzing the structure and the principles of the three impulses feed-water control system and the operation mode between the three impulses feed-water control and the single impulse feed-water control system. The constitution principles and control function of the whole-course feed-water control system are introduced detailed and the whole structure, work principle, debugging and parameters modification of the system are analyzed. Take one power plant for example, analyzed the control process, control logic, operation mode and track of the feed-water control system. Key words: The unit; Feed-water;Control system;Water level of drum 摘要I AbstractII 1 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 国内外现状综述2 1.2.1 国内现状综述2 1.2.2 国外现状综述[5]3 2 给水全程控制的特殊问题5 2.1 给水控制对象的动态特性6 2.2 测量信号9 2.3 调节阀和调速泵的特性12 2.4 系统的无扰切换13 3 给水全程控制系统分析15 3.1 单元制给水全程控制的特点15 3.2 给水系统设备及管路15 3.3 单元制给水全程控制方案简介16 3.4 给水控制系统回路分析21 3.5 给水泵最小流量控制系统21 3.6 给水全程控制系统的工作过程22 3.7 串级三冲量给水控制系统23 3.8 控制过程中的跟踪与切换26 结论29 参考文献30 致谢32
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