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发布时间:2015-01-18 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘要……….I 1 绪论 1 2系统整体设计方案 4 2.1 系统设计要求 4 2.2 系统功能的实现 4 3可编程序控制器西门子S7-300的介绍 6 3.1 S7-300的组成……………………………………………….…………….…....6 3.2 PLC工作原理………………………………………………….………………..7 3.3 PLC的功能及用途…………………………………………….………….……..8 3.4 S7-300的通讯简介…………………………………………….….………........8 4. PLC编程软件STEP7………………………………………….….……………..10 4.1 STEP7的概要…………………………………………….……..…………....10 4.2 STEP7的使用………………………………………………….….…………..10 4.3 STEP7的编程…………………………………………………….…..…….....13 5. Wincc V6功能及通讯介绍……………………………………….…….…......16 4.1 Wincc V6的简介………………………………………………………….…….….....16 4.2 Wincc组态软件与S7-300的通信....................................16 6. 配料系统的设计……………………………………………………….………...17 6.1 自动配料系统功能概述………………………………………………….…….……....17 6.2 系统工艺流程……………………………………………………………………..…..17 6.3 PLC程序的设计………………………………………………………………………...18 6.4 上层监控界面的设计…………………………………………………………….…..21 7. 实验设计设备…………………………………………………………….…….36 8. 总 结……………………………………………………………………….…..37 致谢…………………………………………………………………………………38 摘 要 本次实验设计在进行了一系列的实践后,根据实际的实验需求,加上对可编程控制器的理解和分析,采用西门子编程序控制器(Programmable Controller,简称PLC)来实现自动配料系统的控制。详细讲述了自动配料系统的设计步骤,着重对软件开发与调试做了介绍,完成了配料的硬件配置和软件设计,并利用西门子WINCC实现实时监控系统的设计。 设计的主要步骤如下:先通过设计确定系统的组成,画出系统的组成图;确定各器件所对应的输入及输出,和在PLC中的相应地址;编写PLC程序,完成后进行调试;在WINCC中设置外部及内部变量,再把变量和相对应的图形连接,在这一过程中归变量进行调试;最后实现动画效果。 本设计通过软硬件之间的配合与调试,从而达到实验设计的要求,实现配料的自动化控制。 关键词 自动配料,可编程序控制器, WINCC Abstract The experimental design in a series of practice, according to the actual needs of the experiment, coupled with the PLC's understanding and analysis, a Siemens PLC (Programmable Controller, as PLC) to achieve automatic batching The control system. Described in detail the automatic batching system design steps to focus on software development and debugging done, completed the ingredients of the hardware configuration and software design and use of Siemens WINCC real-time monitoring system design. Design of the main steps are as follows: first through the system determine the composition of the design, to draw the diagram; determine the device corresponding to the input and output, and the PLC in the corresponding address; procedures prepared by the PLC, after the completion of debugging; WINCC set up in the external and internal variables, then variables and corresponding graphics connections, in this process to the variable debugging and finally achieve animation. Through the design and co-ordination among the hardware and software debugging to meet the requirements of experimental design, and automatic control ingredients. Key words automatic batching PLC wincc
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