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发布时间:2015-01-18 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目录 摘要II ABSTRACTIII 1 绪论3 1.1 背景与意义3 1.2 设计内容3 2 燃油锅炉总体结构5 2.1 燃油锅炉控制要求5 2.2 燃油锅炉的运行框图5 2.3 燃油锅炉总体结构6 3 硬件电路设计8 3.1 主电路的设计8 3.2 辅助电路的设计9 3.2.1 PLC型号的选择9 3.2.2 系统I/O通道分配及PLC的I/O接线图10 4 软件系统设计14 4.1 软件设计一般原则14 4.2 软件设计要求15 4.3 软件系统设计15 4.3.1 起动15 4.3.2 停止19 4.3.3 异常状况自动关火21 4.3.4 锅炉水位控制24 4.3.5 系统总梯形图25 5 总结31 致谢32 参考文献33 附录 指令表35 摘要 燃油锅炉随着城市发展而越来越多地应用。以前使用燃煤锅炉由于其在燃烧时产生大量的二氧化碳和粉尘污染环境而逐渐被淘汰,相对应的用燃油锅炉来代替燃煤锅炉已被广泛用于宾馆、大型商场等建筑。锅炉是一次性能源煤炭石油天然气转换成二次能源蒸汽量的重要动力设备。据有关资料统计,目前我国有各类工业锅炉约25万多台。每年耗煤量占全国产量的1/3,同时还消耗大量的石油和天然气。 由PLC控制的燃油锅炉控制系统适用于配用各种进口及国产燃烧器的燃油锅炉,对锅炉实行全自动控制,包括锅炉水位、蒸汽压力、燃烧系统的参数检测、指示、报警、调节等进行控制。本设计首先确定燃油锅炉的控制对象,以控制控制对象为依据设计燃油锅炉的总体结构和运行方式,接着进行设计硬件系统和软件系统,硬件系统中分别对主电路和辅助电路进行设计,在软件设计中先对各模块进行设计和调试,即启动、停止、异常状况自动关火和水位控制。 关键词: 可编程序控制器; 燃油锅炉;控制系统 ABSTRACT Fuel boilers with urban development, more and more widely. Due to its previous use coal boiler burning in the amount of carbon dioxide emissions and dust pollution of the environment and be washed out gradually, and the corresponding with fuel boilers instead of coal-fired boilers has been widely used in hotels, shopping, etc. Boiler is one-time energy coal oil and gas quantity of steam secondary energy converts the important power equipment. According to the statistics, China has all kinds of industrial boiler about 25 million sets. The yield of coal consumption year 1/3, also consume large amounts of oil and gas. By PLC control oil boiler control system is applicable to various kinds of imported and domestic fuel burner for boiler. implement automatic control, including the boiler water and steam pressure, the parameters of the system test, instructions, alarm, adjusting control, etc. The design of the first identify the fuel boilers control object and control based on object control design of the overall structure and oil burning boiler operation, and design of hardware and software systems in the system, the hardware circuit of design, and the auxiliary circuit in the software design of each module in the design and debug, namely the start and stop, abnormal condition of automatic fire and water level control. Keywords: PLC、 Fuel boilers、 The control system
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