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发布时间:2015-01-21 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要III AbstractIV 目 录V 1 绪 论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 选题的背景与中央空调实验平台的应用现状1 1.3 选题的意义与目的2 1.4 课题研究的主要任务3 2 中央空调自控系统技术分析4 2.1 中央空调系统的基本组成4 2.1.1 空调冷、热源系统4 2.1.2 空气处理机系统5 2.1.3 新风空调机系统6 2.1.4 末端风机盘管系统6 2.2 中央空调系统的自动控制7 2.2.1 概述7 2.2.2 空气处理机组自动控制8 3 模拟空调实验系统总体设计11 3.1 系统结构设计11 3.2 系统控制方案设计11 4 TP触摸屏技术与组态工程13 4.1 TP触摸屏技术简介13 4.1.1 TP触摸屏的工作原理13 4.1.2 TP触摸屏的主要作用13 4.1.3 TP触摸屏的主要功能13 4.2 触摸屏在系统中的应用14 4.2.1 触摸屏的选用14 4.2.2 组态工程的制作14 5 系统控制器介绍与控制方案的实现23 5.1 西门子S7-200 PLC概述23 5.1.1 主要特点23 5.1.2 产品结构23 5.1.3 CPU模块24 5.1.4 功能扩展模块25 5.2 系统控制要求与程序实现26 5.2.1 控制要求26 5.2.2 程序设计(部分)26 6 实验系统实验项目设计27 6.1 概述27 6.2 实验系统的使用环境27 6.3 实验项目27 7 总结44 7.1 主要工作成果44 7.2 存在不足44 致谢45 参考文献46 附录47 摘 要 在近代智能大厦的楼宇自动化系统中,中央空调系统为其重要组成部分,为了给用户提供健康、舒适的生活和高效的工作环境,就必须根据实际情况智能控制空气的温度、湿度、风速、空气洁净度,近几年来智能大厦的室内空气品质问题成为各国学者研究的重点。 由于社会实际的需要,近年来全国各大高校纷纷开设有关智能建筑自动化的课程,而中央空调系统往往被作为授课的重点。但是对于学生全面的理解和掌握中央空调这样一个相对复杂和庞大的系统,光靠理论教学是不够的。为了让学生能够深入认识中央空调的系统组成、控制方法和性能指标,需要开发出专用的模拟中央空调实验系统。 基于此,本课题依据理论课程的相关教学内容和要求,开发出智能楼宇实验室的一套子系统——模拟空调实验系统,本系统基于触摸屏操作和PLC控制,能够做到真实模拟实际空调控制系统各部分的运行和控制。能够实现模拟中央空调的制冷运行,制热运行,可以切换手动和自动模式。 本套系统综合了PLC控制技术、触摸屏交互技术、组态监控技术、计算机通信技术等众多实用技术,不仅让学生可以对中央空调系统有更深入的理解,而且可以把所学相关课程的内容应用到控制中,提高实际应用的能力。模拟空调实验系统实验台还配有一些备用插孔、开关和PLC节点,在以后的实践中,学生可以根据自身课题需要,尝试新的控制方法,增加新的实验项目,满足教学和研究的需要。 关键词:空调实验系统、触摸屏、PLC、组态 Abstract Intelligent building in the modern building automation systems, central air conditioning system is an important component, in order to provide healthy, comfortable living and efficient working environment must be based on the actual situation of intelligent control air temperature, humidity, wind speed, air cleanliness, in recent years, intelligent building indoor air quality problems become the focus of national scholars. As the actual needs of society in recent years, lots of universities have set up the intelligent building automation courses, and central air conditioning systems are often used as the focus of instruction. But for the students a comprehensive understanding and grasp of the central air-conditioning such a relatively complex and large systems, theoretical teaching alone is not enough. To enable students to in-depth understanding of the composition of the central air conditioning system, control methods and performance indicators, need to develop a special simulation experiment system central air conditioning. Based on this, the issue related to teaching based on theory course content and requirements, develop a set of intelligent buildings in the laboratory subsystem - Air conditioning experiment simulation system, the system is based on touch screen and PLC control, can do simulate the actual air-conditioning control system parts of the operation and control. Able to achieve simulation run central air conditioning cooling, heating run, you can switch manual and automatic modes. This set of system integration of the PLC control technology, interactive touch screen technology, configuration control, computer communications technology, and many practical techniques, not only enables students to the central air conditioning system more in-depth understanding of, and may combine the contents of application-related courses to control and improve the capacity of practical application. Air-conditioning system simulation test bench comes with a number of spare jacks, switches and PLC node, in later practice, students need according to their subject, try the new control method, the addition of new pilot projects, to meet the needs of teaching and research . Key words: Air conditioning experiment system, touch screen, PLC, configuration
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