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发布时间:2015-01-21 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目录 摘 要I AbstractII 目录III 第一章 绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2 国内外的现状及发展趋势1 1.3本课题主要研究的内容2 第二章控制系统分析和方案的设计3 2.1多楔带单根磨削机控制系统的功能分析3 2.2系统总体方案的拟定4 2.2.1多楔带单根磨削机的组成4 2.2.2多楔带单根磨削机的控制系统框图5 2.2.3多楔带单根磨削机的工作原理5 2.3控制方案的设计6 2.3.1控制器的选择6 2.3.2多楔带进给单元的设计8 2.3.3人机界面的选择9 第三章控制系统的硬件的选型11 3.1可编程控制器(PLC)的概述11 3.1.1可编程控制器(PLC)的定义11 3.1.2可编程控制器(PLC)的主要特点11 3.1.3可编程控制器(PLC)的基本结构12 3.1.4可编程控制器(PLC)的工作原理12 3.2 PLC的选型13 3.2.1 PLC选型应考虑的内容14 3.2.2 输入/输出信号的分析15 3.3 特殊功能模块的选型16 3.4步进电机的选型17 3.5多楔带磨削机控制系统的示意图18 3.5 PLC外部接线图20 3.5.1 FX2N-1PG-E高速脉冲输出模块与步进电机驱动器的连接20 3.5.2 FX2N-1PG-E高速脉冲输出模块与稳压电源的连接20 3.5.3 PLC主模块与拨码盘的连接21 3.6 PLC输入/输出资源分配22 第四章控制系统软件的设计24 4.1多楔带单根磨削机控制系统的流程图24 4.2高速脉冲模块基本程序25 4.3控制系统主体程序设计26 4.3.1初始化模块程序27 4.3.2主状态转换模块27 4.3.3读BCD拨码盘29 4.3.4数据处理模块31 4.3.5磨削状态子程序33 4.3.6磨削程序初始化34 4.3.7第一次磨削子程序(M60)34 4.3.8第二次磨削子程序(M61)35 4.3.9第三次磨削子程序(M62)37 4.3.10第四次磨削子程序38 4.4编程软件38 第五章 软硬件的调试40 5.1步进电机只有正转不能反转40 5.2磨削过程进给量的分配42 第六章 总 结44 参考文献45 致 谢46 附录1 资源分配列表47 摘 要 随着现代科学技术的发展, 特别是近几年来汽车工业的腾飞,多楔带传动方式的优越性日益显露出来,其应用也越来越广,同时对多楔带的要求也越来越高。相对于国外的先进设备而言,目前国内许多中小型企业的多楔带磨削机在生产方式及生产效率上已显得落后,难以保证多楔带尺寸的精度。由于引进设备的昂贵,如能自制合格的多楔带,必将减小中小型企业的成本。由此可见,研制出一种低成本、功能全的多楔带磨削机具有很广阔的市场前景。 本文主要介绍了以可编程控制器PLC为核心的多楔带磨削机控制系统的设计。根据多楔带磨削机的控制系统的要求,对模块及执行机构进行选型。在查阅相关文献资料并分析了国内外设备的基础上,确定了控制系统的方案,该多楔带磨削机控制系统主要由三菱可编程控制器FX2N-32MR (主模块) 、FX2N-1PG-E(高速脉冲模块) 及步进电机驱动器组成等组成。同时进行了一部分软件的设计,对主体程序的各部分编写了相应的程序,最后对在软件的调试过程中所遇到的问题及解决办法进行了一定的说明。 关键字: 多楔带 磨削 PLC 控制系统 Abstract With the development of modern science technology, especially automobile industry in the last few years, the superiority of driving by V-ribbed belt is revealing day by day and its application is also getting more and more broad, at the same time the request to the V-ribbed belt is also getting higher and higher. Compare with the sophisticated equipment overseas, the domestic enterprise especially many Small and medium-sized ones the V-ribbed belt milling machine already appears backward in the production method and the production efficiency, so its hard to guarantee the size and the precision of the V-ribbed belt at present. Because its expensive to import foreign equipments, a lot of money will be saved if enterprises can make a qualified V-ribbed belt milling machine's thenselves, Thus it can be seen, develop a V-ribbed belt milling machine with complete function and low cost, will have a very bright future This article mainly introduces the designing of V-ribbed belt milling machine control system which used PLC as the main part, and the choicing of the main parts of the control system according to the request. After reading a many literature of science and technology and analyzing the foundation of both the domestic and foreign equipment, a design of the control system has come out. This V-ribbed belt milling machine control system is made up mainly by FX2N-32MR (main module), FX2N-1PG-E (high speed pulse module) and the step-by-step electrical machinery driver and so on. a part of software's design has be done too,and some of the program has been made up. Key words: V-ribbed belt; inding; PLC; control system
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