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发布时间:2015-01-21 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘要.i Abstract..ii 目录iv 第一章 绪论..1 1.1 研究背景..1 1.2 国内外研究现状..2 1.3 温室测控装置的类型和发展趋势3 1.3.1 目前采用的控制装置3 1.3.2 控制装置的发展趋势5 1.4 研究的目的与内容6 第二章 系统方案设计..7 2.1 系统方案设计.7 2.1.1 监控系统设计所要达到的技术指标7 2.1.2 监控系统设计原则..7 2.1.3 系统总体设计方案..7 2.2 系统功能设计.8 2.2.1 上位机8 2.2.2 智能监控点..8 2.3 小结9 第三章 系统硬件电路设计.10 3.1 控制中心模块的设计10 3.1.1 单片机的选型..10 3.1.2 电源电路12 3.1.3 时钟电路的设计13 3.1.4 复位电路13 3.2 RS-485通讯电路 ..14 3.3 数据采集模块的设计15 3.3.1 传感器的选型..16 3.3.2 传感器测量电路17 3.4 驱动执行机构的设计20 3.4.1 侧窗/天窗开闭装置设计..20 3.4.2 暖风机加温.21 3.4.3 湿帘风机降温..21 3.4.4 喷雾加湿系统..22 3.4.5 遮阳网系统.22 3.4.6 照明补光系统..23 3.4.7 继电器输出电路23 3.5 人机对话模块26 3.5.1 键盘输入26 3.5.2 液晶显示26 3.6 其他电路.27 3.6.1 去耦电路27 3.6.2 声光报警28 3.7 小结..28 第四章 控制算法研究..30 4.1 PID控制算法 30 4.1.1 模拟PID控制器.. 30 4.1.2 数字PID控制算法.31 4.2 小结..34 第五章 软件设计35 5.1 主程序设计..35 5.2 采集子程序设计.36 5.2.1 温度测量软件设计.36 5.2.2 湿度测量软件设计.37 5.2.3 光照强度测量软件设计38 5.3 串行通信软件设计..39 5.4 本章小结.40 第六章 结论与展望.42 参考文献..43 致谢45 附录46 摘 要 温室是设施农业的重要组成部分,国内外温室种植业的实践经验表明,提高温室的自动控制和管理水平可充分发挥温室农业的高效性。随着传感技术,计算机技术及通讯技术的迅猛发展,现代化温室信息自动采集及智能控制系统的开发已成为目前设施农业的一个研究热点。 本文在查阅大量国内外参考文献的基础上,概述了温室在国内外的发展历史以及发展现状。介绍了国内外温室测控装置的发展动态和发展方向,并且根据温室内影响作物生长的环境因子,即温度、湿度、光照等环境的条件、控制特点和控制方法,提出了适合本系统的环境因子控制方案。 本文以PHILIPS公司32位ARM微控制器LPC2132为核心,设计了温度、湿度、光照强传感器,传感器检测出来的信号传输给LPC2132进行数据处理,从而实现对环境因子的测量与控制。本文重点介绍了温室环境监控系统的硬件。 硬件方面,介绍了各部分的设计思想、原理电路以及抗干扰方法,并且给出了系统总硬件原理图;另外,在满足系统设计要求的前提下,尽可能选用价格低、功耗低的元器件,达到降低系统成本的目的。 软件方面将嵌入式实时操作系统C/OS-Ⅱ移植到LPC2132,采用基于嵌入式实时操作系统的软件开发模式,设计了控制器的各个任务流程图。 系统采用PID控制算法对温度、湿度、光照强度等环境因子进行控制。本文简单介绍了PID控制算法的原理。 最后,对设计进行了总结,介绍了本文完成的主要工作,说明了本文的特点和意义,同时,指出了系统设计的不足和改进思路,为今后课题的进一步研究打下了基础。 关键词:温室环境 监控系统 LPC2132 传感器 RS-485通信 Abstract Greenhouse is the important part of installation agriculture.Crop production in domestic and overseas greenhouses shows that advanced automation and management system for greenhouse will improve the efficiency of agriculture production.With the rapid development of sensor,comp- -uter and communications technologies,the design of monitoring&controlling systems for greenh- -ouse environmental has become one of the R&D focuses in the field of structured agriculture.The paper is dedicated to the research. On the basis of domestic and foreign references, this paper does not only generally state the history and reality of the greenhouse’s development both at home and abroad, but also introduce the tendency and direction of the monitor and control system for the greenhouse environment and therefore raises a suitable control programme for the system, according to the conditions, controlling characteristics and methods of the environment factors such as temperature, humidity and light. This article take micro controller LPC2132 of PHILIPS Corporation as a core, this dissertation designs the sensor of temperature,humidity and light, whose signals are transmitted to LPC2132 for data precessing and as a result, environment factors’ measurement and control is realized. As for hardware, this paper introduces each part’s design idea, principle and anti-jamming method and provides with drawings of the system’s hardware. In addition, in the premise of meeting system’s design requirements, choose components of low price and low power consumption as far as possible, to reduce the costs of the system. In the aspect software,This article has inserted embedded Operation system UC/OS-Ⅱto transplant LPC2132, on the basis of which the processing charts of the controller are designed. PID control algorithms is adopted to control the environment factors such as temperature, humidity and light. The principle of this algorithms is also introduced in the paper. In the end, my paper summarizes the whole design, the major tasks of this dissertation and the characteristics and significance of this paper, as well as pointing out the deficiencies and improving methods of the system, which lay a solid foundation for further research. KEYWORDS: greenhouse environmental; the supervisory system; LPC2132; Sensors; RS-485communication
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