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发布时间:2015-01-22 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘要I AbstractII 1 绪论1 1.1 选题背景及目的1 1.2 可编程控制器(PLC)简介1 1.3 控制系统研究内容2 2 锅炉系统工艺及控制系统方案设计5 2.1 锅炉工艺过程概述5 2.2 锅炉汽包水位控制系统6 2.2.1汽包水位控制系统简介6 2.2.2 汽包水位控制系统设计7 2.3锅炉燃烧控制系统9 2.3.1锅炉燃烧控制系统设计9 2.4 锅炉过热器蒸汽温度控制系统11 2.4.1锅炉过热蒸汽温度控制系统设计11 3. 控制系统的硬件与软件设计13 3.1 可编程控制器的主要特点13 3.2 PLC选型与控制系统硬件构成13 3.2.1 CPU224技术指标14 3.2.2 EM232模拟量输出模块技术指标15 3.2.3 EM235模拟量输入/输出模块技术指标15 3.2.4 输入模拟量校准15 3.2.5 变频器控制16 3.3 PC-PLC网络通信16 3.3.1 网络主站与从站16 3.3.2 S7-200网络通信协议16 3.4 系统的报警设计17 3.5 PLC系统的软件设计18 3.5.1 控制算法流程18 3.5.2. 主程序组成结构19 4. 主机监控系统的设计22 4.1 组态软件介绍22 4.1.1 MCGS系统组成22 4.1.2 MCGS的数据处理过程23 4.2 监控软件组成与功能实现25 4.2.1 监控主画面功能实现25 4.2.2 实时监控画面功能实现26 4.2.3 实时数据曲线功能实现27 4.2.4 历史数据浏览功能实现27 结 论29 致 谢30 参考文献31 摘要 我国现有工业锅炉中,很多设备自动化程度不高,热效率在40%左右,随着企业的经济增长模式向依靠技术进步转变,对生产自动化的要求越来越迫切,改变锅炉运行中传统手动、半自动操作方式,实现自动化控制和管理,提高热效率,保障安全运行已经势在必行。 在愈来愈重视节能和环境保护的今天,对于工业锅炉的控制,应该在保证安全生产的条件下,使其在燃烧热损失最小,热效率最高,对环境污染最小的最佳工况下运行。这已经成为目前工业锅炉自动控制方面重要的课题。 锅炉是全厂重要的动力设备,其要求是供给合格的蒸汽,使锅炉发汽量适应负荷的需要,为此,生产过程的各个主要参数必须严格控制。文中介绍了一种工业锅炉自动控制系统,并讨论了系统的整体构成方案,完成了锅炉控制系统算法设计。因为汽包水位控制系统、燃烧控制系统、过热器蒸汽温度控制系统决定着系统的控制效果,而且传统的人工操作与模拟仪表控制很难达到较高的控制精度,所以本文将可编程序控制器、组态软件与工业控制计算机相结合,制定出先进的计算机控制方法,替代了传统的控制方法。根据这种控制方法,控制系统很容易被实现,并且将达到很好的控制效果。 关键词:锅炉;可编程序控制器;组态软件 The Design of Control System for the Boiler Based on PLC Abstract Many existing industrial boiler of our country, have problem of low automatization, the thermal efficiency of these equipments are only about 40%.Along with the economic growth mode of business enterprise change to depend on progress of technique, the request of automatization becomes more and more urgent, change traditional manual、semiautomatic operational manners, carry out automatic control and manage, improve thermal efficiency of boiler, guarantee safe running of equipment becomes quite necessary. At present situation economize energy and protect environment are being paid more and more attention, design of control for industrial boiler, accord with guarantee safe work, should make it work under optimal condition which minimum the loss of combustion, pollution of environment, maximum thermal efficiency. Current it is already become the most important topic of automatic control of industrial boiler. The boiler is a kind of important equipment in plants .The control aim of boiler is to supply regular stream to fulfill factory needs. So to control boiler’s parameters is of great importance. An automation control system for industrial boilers is designed in this thesis, after determining the architecture of the control system, the paper discusses the design of control algorithms of the boiler system. Because the algorithms of the feed water control、combustion control and the temperature of the super heater vapor control determine the control effects of the system, and it is hard to get better control accuracy with the traditional manual operation and analogue instruments, so this paper will combine PLC、Configure software with industrial control computer, and substitute the advanced algorithm of computer control for the traditional control algorithm. According to the control algorithm, the control system can be easy realized, and get better control effect. Key words:Boiler;PLC;Configuration software
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