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发布时间:2015-01-22 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目录 前言 1 1绪论 2 1.1 选题背景与意义 2 1.2 上位机计量系统的设计原则 3 1.3 上位机计量系统的特点 3 2油库上位机计量系统的工作原理 5 2.1供油系统的升级改造 5 2.2 供油系统的总体设计方案 6 2.3 供油系统流量的计量和显示 6 2.4 油罐液位的计量和显示 7 2.5 供油系统温度的检测与显示 8 2.6 供油系统的工作状况显示 8 3油库上位机计量系统的硬件设计 10 3.1 系统的硬件结构图 10 3.2 工业控制计算机(IPC)简介 11 3.3 上位工控机的选取 12 3.4 可编程控制器(PLC)简介 14 3.5 下位可编程控制器的选取 15 3.5.1 Q系列PLC的概述 15 3.5.2 Q系列PLC的选型 15 3.6 接口转换模块 17 4 油库上位机计量系统的软件设计 19 4.1 组态开发软件的选择 19 4.1.1 组态开发软件的发展及现状 19 4.1.2 组态软件的选择与功能 19 4.2 组态王的简介 21 4.3 上位机计量系统的组态设计 22 4.3.1 软件结构图 22 4.3.2 界面和功能实现 22 4.3.3 系统组态与供油控制数据连接 32 4.3.4 上下位机之间的通讯 33 5 技术经济分析 35 6 结论 36 致谢 37 参考文献 38 摘要 平朔安太堡露天煤矿位于朔州市区与平鲁区交界处,现为大型露天开采的煤矿。油库是其最重要的部门之一,因此油库收、发油计量系统的设计是一项十分重要的工程。 随着计算机技术、工业控制技术的迅猛发展,计量方式向自动化、智能化、远程化方向发展。本文通过对安太堡矿的实际情况和油库计量系统的实际要求的分析,构建了一个上位机计量系统。该系统上位机采用工控计算机与北京亚控的工控组态软件的组合,下位机分散控制的构成方式采用了三菱Q系列PLC,构成了一个集散控制系统。组态软件与PLC之间的通信采用了Q系列高性能型PLC专用的MELSEC通信协议。通过对工控组态软件进行组态,让其具备了趋势显示、报警判断、历史数据记录以及报表打印等监控功能,将自动化技术、计算机技术、通信技术融为一体,计算精度高,性能稳定、实用性强,提高了工作效率。 本系统为油库计量系统提供了一个切实可行的方案,对大规模的收、发油控制系统具有一定的参考价值。系统的构建思想和方法对于其它自动化系统也有一定的借鉴意义。 关键词:上位机计量;自动化;组态软件;监控 Abstract The Antaibao Open-air coal mine is located in the jiont point of Shuozhou and Pinglu area , it is the large-scale open-air mining coal mine.The fuel depot is one of its most important departments, therefore the fuel depot measurement system’s design is an extremely important project. Along with the computer technology, the industrial control technology swift and violent development, the measurement style develops towards the automation, the intellectualization, the long-distance direction. This article analyze according to the Antaibao’s actual situation and the fuel depot measurement system’s particular demand,and construct a calculation system on up-location computer.On this system the up-location computer is composed of industrial computer and the Beijing configuration software, the disperser control of lower position computer use sanling PLC of Q series, which constitute a collection and distribution control system. The correspondence between the configuration software and the PLC uses the special-purpose MELSEC communication protocol of Q series high performance PLC. By using the configuration software , it has several kinds of monitoring functions , for example, the tendency judgment, history data record and report form printing and so on. The automation technology, the computer technology and the communication has been merged into one, it has high calculation precision,stable performance,particular use, which enhanced the working efficiency. This system has provided a practical and feasible plan for the fuel depot measurement system, it has certain reference value for the fuel depot system when receives and distribute oil.The thought and method of system construction also have certain model significance for other automation system. Key words: Measurement by up-location computer; Automation; Configuration software; Monitoring
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