基于S7-300 PLC在解冻库中的应用_自动化专业论文
1 绪 论2
1.2 可编程控制器(PLC)3
1.3 课题控制方法研究4
2 解冻库原理控制组成及特点5
2.1 解冻库原理5
2.2 热风制备炉组成5
2.4 采用PLC控制的优点6
3 SIMATIC S7 S7-300和解冻库控制系统硬件组成7
3.1 PLC工作过程8
3.2 S7-300系列PLC简介8
3.3 S7-300的输入/输出模块11
3.4 解冻库控制系统硬件组成11
4 基本理论及设计的的理论方法13
4.1 PID控制13
4.1.3 PID控制器参数整定15
4.2.1 助燃空气燃烧控制16
4.2.2 解冻库温度控制17
5 下位机软件编制18
5.1 STEP7介绍18
5.2 用户程序的基本结构19
5.2.2 解冻库控制系统的用户程序及结构20
5.2.3 FC105运用20
5.2.4 PID 模块的运用21
6 WinCC与解冻库系统上位机组态22
6.2 解冻库系统上位机组态
6.2.1 系统总界面
6.2.2 燃烧炉控制显示界面
6.2.2 趋势显示界面
结 论
致 谢
北方冬季,火车运送原料到工厂时存在着结冻问题,导致卸车困难,积压火车皮,严重影响冬季原料生产供应。同时,大型工业企业有可利用的富余高炉煤气源。因此,修建解冻库,解冻原料,以保证了冬季原料顺畅供应,同时解决富余高炉煤气放散,减少环境污染。本次设计主要介绍了基于S7-300 PLC的解冻库的控制系统。本系统主要涉及PLC系统、组态软件、仪表、电气等方面的知识。在本次设计中,阐述了控制高炉煤气的燃烧,产生热风,使解冻库中的原料解冻的过程。采用传统PID控制方法对本系统控制。上位机采用了WinCC组态软件搭建的计算机控制界面,下位机采用S7-300 PLC自动化平台控制,结合了电气检测技术完成对解冻库内的温度进行控制。WinCC基于Windows操作系统和标准接口,提供软件PLC和插槽PLC,它基于最新发展的软件技术,是西门子公司与Microsoft公司密切合作不断创新的产物。S7-300 PLC是一种西门子公司传统的PLC产品,它针对中低性能的控制要求,具有性价比高的优点。
The design of the ice-out warehouse system base on the S7-300 PLC
Winter in the north of china, There is a knot jelly problem when train delivering raw material to factory. Which caused unload a car difficulty, and putting off trains, and serious influence winter raw material supply. Additionally, the large industrial corporations have rich remaining blast furnace coal gas which can make use of. According to ensure the winter raw material smoothly supplies in factory, and to solve rich remaining blast furnace coal gas to put in to air, decreasing pollution of the environment, we must build ice-out warehouse to defrost raw material. In the paper we main introduced the ice-out warehouse system base on the S7-300 PLC. This system mainly involves the knowledge of the PLC system, configuration software, and meter, electric...etc. In the paper, we elaborated the process of the blast furnace gas burning in the burning-furnace, hot-wind forming, and making raw material ice-out in the warehouse. We adopt a traditional PID control a method to control this system. We adopt the configuration soft of WinCC to make control menu on computer as Host, and adopt the autoimmunization flat roof of S7-300 PLC as guest which combined the technique of the electric examination to control temperature of ice-out warehouse. The WinCC connects based on the windows operation system standard, provide software PLC and slot PLC,and it is the production of Siemens company and Microsoft company closely cooperate ,and it is continuously developing. S7-300 PLCs are a traditional PLC of Siemens Company, it aim at medium and low capability control requisition, and it have a high cost performance.
Key words:Ice-out warehouse, PID control, PLC, WinCC, configuration soft