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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目  录 一 引言1 1.1课题研究的意义1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.3课题主要内容1 二 信号隔离3 2.1信号隔离的重要意义3 2.2信号隔离器3 2.3 ADuM1201数字隔离器3 2.3.1 iCoupler®技术与数字隔离器3 2.3.2 ADuM1201的结构及特性3 三 C8051F330混合信号微控制器6 3.1结构及主要特性6 3.2 CIP-51微控制器8 3.3 SMBus串行总线10 3.4异步串行通信12 四 RS485远程通讯14 4.1远程通讯概述14 4.2 RS485总线14 4.2.1 RS485串行接口标准14 4.2.2 RS485电气特性15 4.2.3低功耗RS485收发器MAX48516 五 系统的设计与实现18 5.1系统硬件设计18 5.1.2电源电路设计18 5.1.2隔离电路设计19 5.1.3远程通信电路设计19 5.2系统软件设计22 5.2.1 UART0工作方式22 5.2.2 串行口AD采集程序24 5.2.3 SMBus通信25 5.2.4 SMBus与上位机数据通信程序28 六 结论30 谢辞31 参考文献32 附录33 摘  要 信号隔离与远程数据通信在工业生产中日益发挥着重要的作用。为了适应目前工业现场的复杂环境和分散的工业控制系统,开发一种基于单片机的信号隔离和远程通讯技术已经势在必行。 本文介绍了八位混合型单片机C8051F330实现信号隔离和远程数据通信。主要阐述了如何利用新型数字隔离器ADuM1201将工业现场的模拟信号进行隔离,并送入单片机进行相应的数据处理。经过通信协议的转换实现了单片机F330的双向串行总线SMBusI/O接口与RS485远程通信网络的数字信号传输。用ADuM1201代替传统的光电隔离器件实现工业现场的信号隔离,相对于传统的隔离方法,降低了系统功耗,简化了系统结构,更增强了系统稳定性。本设计采用了RS485总线,实现了PC对前置单片机系统的远程集中监测、控制和管理,解决了远距离通信的问题。 关键词:信号隔离  C8051F330  远程通讯  RS485 Monolithic F330 signal isolation and long-distance communication design Abstract Signal isolation and long-distance data communications in industrial production plays an increasingly important role. In order to adapt to the current site of the industrial complex and decentralized environment of industrial control systems, developing a SCM signal isolation and long-range communications technology has been inevitable. In this paper, eight SCM C8051F330 mixed signal isolation and long-distance data communications. Mainly on how to use new digital isolators ADuM1201 industrial analog signal to the scene of isolation and into the SCM corresponding data processing. After the communication protocol conversion to achieve the SCM F330 two-way serial bus SMBusI / O interface with the long-distance telecommunications network RS485 digital signal transmission. ADuM1201 replace the traditional use of optoelectronic devices isolated industrial site signal isolation, compared to the traditional method of isolation, lower power consumption of the system, simplify the structure of the system, enhance the stability of the system. The design used by RS485 bus, and the PC to pre-concentrate microcontroller system of remote monitoring, control and management to solve the long-distance communications problems. Key words: signal isolation  C8051F330  long-distance communication  RS485
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