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发布时间:2014-05-22 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 第1章 绪 论1 1.1电梯的研究意义1 1.2 梯控制系统1 1.2.1电梯继电器控制系统的特点及存在问题1 1.2.2 PLC及其在电梯控制中的应用特点2 1.3电梯拖动系统3 1.4电梯发展现状及发展趋势4 第2章电梯的基本结构及运行特点6 2.1电梯的分类6 2.2电梯的基本结构6 2.2.1曳引系统6 2.2.2轿厢和门系统6 2.2.3重量平衡系统与导向系统7 2.2.4电梯的安全保护装置7 2.2.5电梯运行特点8 第3章硬件电路设计10 3.1系统结构框图10 3.2 主电路设计10 3.2.1曳引电动机选型11 3.2.2 变频器简介11 3.2.3 主电路中各元件的型号的选择14 3.3 电梯控制系统的设计15 3.3.1电梯控制系统实现的功能15 3.3.2可编程序控制器(PLC)的选型17 3.3.3 PLC I/O点数的分配17 3.3.4信号的输入方式20 3.3.5楼层显示电路24 3.3.6轿厢楼层位置检测方法24 3.3.7减速及平层控制26 第4章 系统软件设计27 4.1开关门控制27 4.1.1开门控制27 4.1.2关门控制27 4.2外召唤信号的登记、显示及消除29 4.3内呼信号登记、显示及消除30 4.4电梯运行方向控制30 4.4.1电梯上行31 4.4.2电梯下行32 4.5换速截梯32 4.5.1 内呼截梯33 4.5.2 外呼截梯34 4.6优选控制35 4.7消防运行36 4.8楼层显示37 第5章 MCGS组态监控界面的设计39 5.1电梯监控的意义39 5.2关于MCGS39 5.2.1 MCGS特性和功能39 5.2.2 MCGS的构成40 5.3 制作MCGS组态界面40 5.3.1 工程框架结构40 5.3.2 动画图形的制作40 5.3.3 控制流程的实现40 5.3.4 各种功能的实现40 5.3.5 输入、输出设备41 第6章 电梯控制系统的模拟调试43 6.1前期技术准备43 6.2实验室调试43 6.3系统的整体调试44 结束语45 参考文献46 致 谢47 附录A PLC及其I/O接线图48 附录B梯形图49 摘要:电梯作为现代高层建筑的垂直交通工具,与人们的生活紧密相关,随着人们对电梯运行安全性、高效性、舒适性等要求的不断提高,电梯得到了快速发展。其拖动技术已经发展到了调频调压调速,其逻辑控制也由PLC代替原来的继电器控制。 电梯采用了PLC控制,用软件实现对电梯运行的自动控制,可靠性大大提高。控制系统结构简单,外部线路简化,可方便地增加或改变控制功能,也可进行故障自动检测与报警显示,提高运行安全性,并便于检修。而电动机交流变频调速技术是当今节电、改善工艺流程以提高产品质量、改善环境、推动技术进步的一种主要手段。变频调速以其优异的调速性能和起制动性能、高效率、高功率因素和节电效果,广泛的适用范围及其它许多优点而补国内外公认为最有发展前途的调速方式。因此,PLC控制技术加变频调速技术已成为现代电梯行业的一个热点。 本设计在已有的通用变频器的基础上,采用PLC对电梯进行控制,通过合理的选择和设计,提高了电梯的控制水平,并改善了电梯运行的舒适感,使电梯达到了较为理想的控制效果。 关键词:PLC控制;变频调速;电梯;舒适感 Exchange frequency conversion elevator control system design Abstract: The elevator took the modern high-rise construction the vertical transportation vehicle, with people's life close correlation, along with the people to elevator request the and so on movement security, effectiveness, comfortableness unceasing enhancement, the elevator obtained the fast development. It drove the technology already to develop the frequency modulation accent to press the velocity modulation, its logical control also replaced the original black-white control by PLC. The elevator has used the PLC control, with the software realization to the elevator movement automatic control, the reliability greatly enhances. The control system structure is simple, the outside plant simplifies, but conveniently increases or the change control function, also may carry on the breakdown automatic detection with to report to the police the demonstration, enhances the movement security, and is advantageous for the overhaul. But the electric motor exchange frequency conversion v elocity modulation technology is now the electricity saving, the improvement technical process improves the product quality, the improvement environment, the impetus technology advancement one main method. The frequency conversion velocity modulation by its outstanding velocity modulation performance and the braking quality, the high efficiency, the power factor and the electricity saving effect, the widespread applicable scope and other many merits makes up the domestic grandfather to think most has the development future the velocity modulation way. Therefore, the PLC control technology adds the frequency conversion velocity modulation technology to become the modern elevator profession a hot spot. This design bases on the general frequency changer foundation, uses PLC to carry on the control to the elevator, through the reasonable choice and the design, raised the elevator control level, and improved the elevator movement comfortable feeling, enabled the elevator to achieve the more ideal control effect. Key word: PLC control;frequency conversion speed;elevator;comfortable feeling
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