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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 第一章 概述1 1.1 过程控制发展及现状1 1.2 PLC控制的发展及其在过程控制的应用2 1.2.1 PLC的发展及现状2 1.2.2 PLC在过程控制中的应用4 1.3 组态软件的概述4 1.3.1 组态软件的发展趋势4 1.3.2西门子WINCC的概述5 1.4设计的任务与目的7 第二章 传统锅炉控制方案介绍7 2.1锅炉设备概述7 2.2 锅炉控制方案介绍8 2.2.1水位控制系统9 2.2.2燃烧控制系统11 第三章 系统硬件部分的设计11 3.1 主电路图的设计12 3.2 变频器的介绍12 3.2.1变频调速的基本原理12 3.2.2变频调速的优点13 3.3控制电路设计13 3.3.1确定PLC的输入输出信号14 3.3.2 PLC的选型15 3.3.3西门子S-300PLC的特点19 3.4现场总线的3概述19 3.4.1现场总线的发展史和趋势19 3.4.2现场总线的特点21 3.5传感器22 第四章 系统软件部分的设计23 4.1创建一个新项目23 4.2 硬件组态程序26 4.3程序编写27 4.3.1程序语言介绍27 4.3.2 STEP 7 中的模块30 4.4程序清单30 4.4.1运行参数初始化35 4.4.2燃烧器控制31 4.4.3给水泵的控制31 4.4.4通讯程序32 4.45燃烧器熄火故障33 4.4.6处理余热锅炉水位极低故障、工作油位低故障33 第五章 系统调试34 5.1调试过程34 5.2调试说明34 总结37 参考文献39 致谢40 摘 要:可编程序控制器(PLC,programmable Logic Controller)因其高可靠性和较高的性价比,而在工业控制中被广泛应用。监控组态软件也是自80年代后期伴随个人计算机的普及而迅猛发展起来的。它以其具备的实时多任务、接口开放、使用灵活、功能多样、运行可靠等特点而具有很强的实用价值。 该项目采用的是德国Siemens公司的S7-300系列PLC,运用与之相配的STEP7编程软件,通过LAD编程语言编制了下位机的控制程序。采用了同是Siemens公司的Wincc组态软件对上位机监控软件组态,实现现场数据实时记录和监控,设计了记录查询、报警、实时模拟等具有Windows风格的动态操作画面。 锅炉是工业生产的重要设备,其耗能大,应用广泛,对其安全、节能等方面进行控制具有重要的意义。 现场调试和运行表明,本文设计的控制系统实现了锅炉燃烧过程的自动控制,有效地降低了能耗,提高了生产管理水平。系统安装维护方便,运行稳定、可靠;监控软件功能齐全,人机界面友好,使用方便。 关键词: 可编程序控制器,组态软件,监控,现场总线 Control the Design of the System According to the PLC Process Abstract:Programmable logic controller because of its high dependability and higher cost performance their, wide to suffused with application in industrial control. Control configuration software to follow popularization of personal computer and develop will it be later stage the eighties rapidly too. With real-time many tasks, interface open, flexible in usage, various operating characteristics such as being reliable and having strong practical value very function that possess there it. With the Siemens PLC 57--300 and the corresponding Programming softwareSTEp7, that helps in control software programming. Have made the control procedure of the next machine through LAD programming language. The design work uses Wincc, that 15 also a Product from Siemens to configure. The supervisory software, realizing tile real--tilde data—logging, supervising and Controlling, as well as various visual HMI with Windows features such as real--time Weighing, record checking, alarming, dynamic simulation. The boiler is the important equipments that the industry produces, it consumes the ability big, application extensively, as to its safety, and economy energy etc. carries on control to have the important meaning. Adjust to try and circulate the enunciation on the scene, the control system of this text design carries out the boiler to burn the automatic control of the process, lowering availably can consume, raising the production control level. The system installs the maintenance convenience, circulate stability, credibility; supervision the software function is well-found, man-machine interface amity use the convenience. Keywords:Programmable controller, configuration software,Proportioning, supervision and control,
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