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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要 Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 第一章 概 述1 1.1课题的目的和意义1 1.2高频开关电源概述2 第二章 高频通信开关电源的设计4 2.1设计内容简介4 2.2 设计思路5 2.3主电路设计6 2.3.1输入电网滤波器6 2.3.2输入不控整流滤波7 2.3.3高频开关变换器(DC/AC)10 2.3.4输出整流滤波10 2.3.5控制电路11 2.3.6保护电路17 2.3.7辅助电源20 2.3.8驱动电路21 第三章 高频开关电源的PWM软开关设计24 3.1相移零电压谐振的工作原理24 3.2相移脉宽调制变弱26 3.3设计原理28 3.4相移零电压软开关全桥变换器30 3.5软开关变换器31 3.6开关无损耗转换条件33 第四章 高频变压器的设计总结37 4.1概述37 4.2变压器的设计步骤37 4.3变压器设计的几个间题40 4.4变压器电磁干扰的抑制41 4.5相移零电压谐振的工作原理41 第五章 总结43 致 谢44 参考文献45 附 录46 摘要:高频开关电源系统具有体积小、重量轻、高效节能、输出纹波小、输出杂音电压小和动态响应性能好等很多优点,现已开始逐步地取代相控整流式电源而成为现代通讯设备的新型基础电源系统。随着电子技术、电力电子技术、自动控制技术和计算机控制技术的发展,高频开关电源系统的性能越来越好。通信用基础开关电源系统作为开关式稳压电源的一种形式,它的设计内容和设计方法都有自己的独特性。 通信电源对确保通信质量具有重要的影响。因为通信设备发生的很多障碍是局部的,只影响某一具体用户或只影响接通率下降,而通信电源发生故障时,将会造成通信全部停止,故人们视通信电源为整个通信系统的心脏。 关键词:高频通信开关电源、PWM软开关、高频变压器 High-frequency switch power supply for Competence Abstract :It is little that the high frequency switching power supply system haves the bulk、Weight is light、High efficiency save energy 、It is little to output the veins waves 、Outputs noise the tension little and dynamic response performance is in good health and so on a lot of strings point ,Start gradually to substitute one another accusing the rectifier type power source but the new base power system that becomes contemporary news dispatch installation current 。In the wake of the electron technique 、Electric power electron technique 、Automatic control technique and computer control technique development ,high frequency switching power supply performance is more and more better 。Communication in the way of the button power system on base as the button style regulated power supply one kind of shape ,Its design substance and design means wholly possess distinctive quality of self 。 That the high frequency switching power supply adjust guaranties that the communication quality haves the significant effect 。For the a lot of obstructions that the communication facility happens are parts ,Merely effect some one concrete consumers either merely the effect rate putting through drops ,When but the communication power supply breaks down ,Be able to create communication completely to cease ,The old friends look upon the heart that the communication power supply is the entire communication system。 Keyword :High frequency switching power supply 、PWM pliable button 、High frequency transformer
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