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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 第1章 概述1 1.1 提花织机的发展1 1.2提花机在国内外的发展1 第2章 交流伺服电机选取3 2.1 伺服电机间的传动关系3 2.2  伺服电机间同步传动控制柔性化的技术实现4 2.2.1  分频系数的确定与实现4 2.2.2  系统硬件框图设计5 2.2.3  应用分析5 2.3 选用伺服电机的优点6 2.3.1 伺服电机与步进电机6 2.3.2 伺服系统8 2.4 伺服系统的结构及分类11 2.4.1 伺服系统的结构及分类11 2.4.2 进给伺服系统的现状与展望12 2.4.3主轴伺服系统的现状及展望14 2.5 电机主要参数的分析与计算15 2.5.1 最高转速15 2.5.2 额定输出转矩的选择15 2.5.3 转换到轴上的负载惯量17 2.6 选型实例计算17 2.7 电动机的选择19 第3章 传动系统的设计21 3.1齿轮传动和的概述21 3.2 减速轮系的设计22 3.3根据电机选减速器23 3.3.1 选择电动机的类型23 3.3.2 选择电动机的功率23 3.3.3 选择电动机的转速23 3.4确定传动装置的传动比及其分配24 3.4.1计算传动装置的运动及动力参数24 3.4.2传动齿轮设计25 3.5 轴的设计计算与校荷34 3.5.1高速轴设计计算与校荷34 3.5.2中间轴II的设计计算与强度校荷37 3.6低速轴设计计算与校荷41 3.6.1初步确定轴的最小直径41 3.6.2 轴的结构设计41 3.7滚动轴承的选择及计算42 3.8键连接的选择及校核计算43 3.9减速器附件的选择44 3.10润滑与密封44 第4章 SolidWorks三维绘图软件在设计中的应用45 4.1 拉伸、旋转特征45 4.2 圆角和倒角命令46 4.3 阵列命令47 4.4 工程图48 第5章 总结49 5.1 所做工作49 5.2 创新点49 5.3 不足和缺陷49 5.4 改进措施和建议50 参考文献51 致 谢52 摘 要 提花就是在织物的织造过程中对经线的升降加以控制,使其具有凹凸不平的立体感。随着电子技术的发展,纺织提花技术由最初的机械选针方式发展到现在的电磁选针方式。电子提花与机械提花相比,结构较为简单,花型控制更为灵活可靠。电子提花又有基于工控机和基于嵌入式单片机两种方案,后者比前者在可靠性、成本等方面更具有优势。 提花机是利用提花龙头开口从而实现织造花样多样化的一种织机,传统的提花龙头传动都是从织机主轴通过换向机构、减速机构和主轴等来实现,包括两套减速机构,多个万向联轴器和离合器等,复杂的机构不仅增加了制造的成本,降低传动效率,更使整机的可靠性大大降低,同时也是提花机工作时噪音较大的原因之一。特别是寻纬离合器在高速运转时会出现散纱,影响了工作的效率。这也是国内外提花机普遍存在的现象。 本次课题通过对KT566J(B)提花机的改进,采用伺服电机系统直接驱动,取消原来的立轴传动机构。其优势在于织造中可不停机通过控制计算机任意设置或改变织机综平位置,并简化了机构传动链。同时提高了织机的工作效率,减少工作噪音,更增强整机的可靠性。 关键词:提花机 提花龙头 伺服电机 Abstract Jacquard woven fabric is in the process of landing and take-off of the warp control to a rugged three-dimensional sense. With the development of electronic technology, textile technology from the initial Jacquard mechanical needle selection manner to the current electromagnetic needle selection methods. Jacquard mechanical and electronic jacquard compared structure is relatively simple, spent more flexible and reliable control. Electronic jacquard machines are based on the IPC-based embedded microcontroller and the two programmers, the latter than the former in reliability, cost and other issues, has advantages. Jacquard is open use jacquard weaving pattern to achieve a diverse loom, the traditional Jacquard loom from the spindle drive are through to the other institutions, agencies and deceleration, such as spindle to achieve, including two sets of deceleration, more a universal coupling and clutch, complex institutions not only increase the cost of manufacturing and lower transmission efficiency, reliability of the components are greatly reduced, but also jacquard work relatively noisy one of the reasons. We found particularly in the clutch when a high-speed operation casual yarn, affecting its efficiency. This is also preva lent at home and abroad Jacquard phenomenon. Based on this topic KT566J (B) Jacquard improvements, a direct-drive servo motor system, the abolition of the original vertical transmission mechanism. Its advantage lies in weaving through the control computer downtime may arbitrarily set or change looms IMIS-position, and simplify the institutions transmission chain. At the same time improving the efficiency of the Loom, reduce noise, enhanced reliability of the components are. Filled a direct-drive servo motor Jacquard gaps in the country. KEY WORDS:Jacquard,Jacquard weave main item,Served motor
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