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发布时间:2015-01-23 来源:人大经济论坛
自动化专业论文范文 目 录 1 绪论1 1.1 谐波抑制的意义1 1.2 谐波抑制的措施3 1.3 电能质量5 1.4 本文主要研究内容7 2 常用滤波器的性能比较分析8 2.1 有源滤波器9 2.1.1 有源电力滤波器的发展现状10 2.1.2 有源滤波器的工作原理10 2.1.3 衡量APF补偿性能的指标11 2.1.4 有源滤波器的主电路结构12 2.1.5 有源滤波器的分类比较12 2.2 无源滤波器18 2.3 有源滤波器和无源滤波器的比较18 3 谐波电流检测方法研究20 3.1 概述20 3.2 谐波检测方法的发展趋势20 3.3 瞬时无功功率理论21 3.3.1 基于p、q运算方式的谐波电流检测22 3.3.2 基于ip、iq运算方式的谐波电流检测24 4 控制策略的研究26 4.1 正弦脉宽调制技术26 4.2 滞环控制31 4.3 空间矢量PWM控制32 4.4 外层控制32 4.5 论文所作工作及意义33 5 有源滤波器的仿真实现34 5.1 概述34 5.2 谐波检测环节仿真实现34 5.2.1 三相/两相变换SIMULINK下实现35 5.2.2 低通滤波器的仿真实现36 5.2.3 两相/三相变换SIMULINK下实现37 5.2.4 谐波提取部分仿真实现37 5.3 谐波补偿环节仿真实现38 5.3.1 主电路等效电路图38 5.3.2 主电路仿真实现39 5.3.3 谐波补偿实现40 5.3.4 负载侧电压和电流41 结 论42 参考文献44 摘 要 在现代电力系统中,随着各种非线性电力电子装置的大量应用,电能质量不断受到关注。这些装置向电力系统中注入谐波,使电网中的谐波污染日益严重,电能传输质量恶化。因此,解决谐波问题,变得日益重要。传统的谐波抑制方法是采用无源滤波器,但它存在许多缺陷,例如:滤波特性受系统参数的影响较大,只能消除特定的几次谐波,可能与系统产生并联谐振,谐波电流增加导致滤波器负荷过重等,使得谐波抑制效果受到影响。 针对并联型有源滤波器提出了一种电流控制新方法,与传统控制方式不同,该方式不需要检测非线性负载中的谐波及无功电流。本文论述了并联型有源滤波器电流控制的等效原理,MATLAB仿真结果表明,省略了检测环节的该控制方法电路结构简单,大大简化了算法的研究,能够更加简单准确地补偿谐波电流,动态响应速度也很快。 关键词:电力电子技术;并联型有源滤波器;等效原理;电流控制;谐波及无功电流 Abstract In modern power system, with a variety of non-linear power electronic devices of a large number of applications, power quality concern. These devices into the power system harmonics, so that the harmonic power grids have become more polluted and the quality of the deterioration of electrical energy transmission. Thus, the solution to harmonic problems, become increasingly important. Traditional methods of harmonic suppression is the use of passive filter, but it has many defects, such as: filtering properties of the impact of system parameters by a larger number of only the elimination of specific harmonics, may have a parallel resonance with the system, harmonic current increase in overloaded filters, such as lead, making the effect of harmonic suppression affected. In this paper, a new and efficient based on DSP (digital signal processor)-controlled single-phase active power filter. A new equivalence principle of current control for shunt active power filters is introduced, which has no use for measurement of harmonic and reactive currents of nonlinear loads. This paper analyzes and demonstrates the principle. Simulation results by MATLAB are given to show that the equivalence principle without measurements has many merits such as simpler circuit configuration and algorithm, more exact compensation effectiveness and rapid dynamic response. Key words: power electronic technique; shunt active power filters; equivalence principle; current control
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