Cities and Countries
Cities, Regions and the Decline of Transport Costs
Division of Labor and the Rise of Cities:Evidence from U.S. Industrialization, 1850-1880
Firm Fragmentation and Urban Patterns
Growth in Cities
Increasing Returns and Economic Geography
Portfolio Diversification and City Agglomeration
Private Investment and Government Protection
Schooling Externalities, Technology and Productivity:Theory and Evidence from U.S. States
Superstar Cities
The Causes and Consequences of Land Use Regulation: Evidence from Greater Boston
The Divergence of Human Capital Levels Across Cities
U.S. urban decline and growth, 1950 to 2000
Urban Colossus:Why is New York America's Largest City
Urban Growth and Housing Supply
Urban Structure and Growth
Why Has House Price Dispersion Gone Up
Why Have Housing Prices Gone Up
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