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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 1绪论 5 1.1集群的定义 5 1.2集群通信系统简介 5 1.2.1集群系统的基本特征 5 1.2.2集群系统信道的控制方式 5 1.2.3集群系统信道的配置方式 6 1.3集群通信系统发展的历史、现状及趋势 7 1.4课题背景及研究意义 8 1.5本课题的主要研究内容 10 2智能基站系统结构 11 2.1集群延伸技术概述 11 2.1.1直放站延伸技术概述 11 2.1.2集群延伸站技术概述 11 2.2智能基站的组成 12 2.2.1概述 12 2.2.2组成 13 2.3智能基站的特点 15 2.4智能基站的功能 15 2.4.1本地呼叫管理功能 15 2.4.2中继功能 15 2.4.3其它功能 15 2.5系统的主要技术指标 16 3信令的选择 18 3.1通信信令简介 18 3.1.1信令的分类 18 3.1.2数字信令 18 3.1.3集群通信系统的信令技术 19 3.2内部传输信令 19 3.3 MPT-1327信令 20 3.3.1 MPT-1327信令组成 20 3.3.2 MPT 1327信令的系统功能 21 3.3.3 MPT 1327信令的用户功能 22 3.3.4 MPT-1327信令的类别 22 3.3.5倍道规则 23 3.3.6随机接续协议 3 4系统总控软件的设计与实现 24 4.1总控软件的设计原则和设计步骤 24 4.2总控软件的流程 25 4.3总控软件的设计与实现 25 4.3.1完整呼叫过程描述 25 4.3.2具体软件模块和流程图 27 5中继信道控制单元的设计 31 5.1中继信道控制单元的功能 31 5.2中继信道控制单元的硬件结构设计 31 5.2.1主要芯片简介 31 5.2.2控制单元的组成 32 5.3中继信道控制单元的软件设计 33 5.3.1软件的功能 33 5.3.2跨站呼叫处理 33 5.3.3无线用户漫游登记 36 5.3.4软件的结构 38 结论 40 参考文献 41 摘要 智能基站的独特之处在于它增加了与主集群系统(简称主系统)通信的中继信道控制单元,当智能基站不与外界通信时,基站可以独立地完成本系统覆盖区域内的调度通信;当需要扩大主系统覆盖区域时,可通过工作在主系统频段内的中继信道控制单元将智能基站作为主系统的用户终端接入主系统,并通过主系统进入其它通信网络,这种配置方式,可以在不对主系统做任何修改的情况下,扩大主系统的服务覆盖区。 智能基站的突出特点是既可以独立运行,又可以作为主集群系统(其它集群系统,区别于智能基站)的终端进入主集群系统。由于它的特殊性,我们必须设计新的软件来控制系统的运行。中继信道控制单元是MPT-1327集群智能基站的重要组成部分,智能基站的这种独特的功能就是通过它来实现的。我们在设计中继信道控制单元的过程中,综合考虑了现有集群系统的结构特点,使其在实现上尽可能地利用现有的设备或与现有设备兼容,以降低成本和实现的难度。本论文首先分析了现有集群系统的结构,在此基础上给出了一种可以实现的智能基站设计的总体方案,并对它的原理和功能特点做了总体上的描述。信令是一个移动通信系统很重要的部分,本文介绍了智能基站所采用的信令MPT-1327信令,它是集群系统之间通信的保证。而后,本文着重介绍了智能基站中央控制软件的设计实现过程以及中继信道控制单元的软硬件设计方法。在系统中控软件的设计与实现一章中,先描绘了中控软件的总流程图,然后在原有集群系统中控软件的基础上设计了智能基站特有的一些程序模块,并给出了每一个具体模块的流程图。在中继信道控制单元的设计一章中,先对硬件进行了一设计,给出了硬件结构和所使用的芯片,在此硬件基础上对如何设计满足协议的控制软件做了较为详细的介绍。 关键词:集群通信;智能基站;MPT-1327信令;中控软件;中继信道控制单元 Abstract Its difference from other systems is that it has channel relay unit which can communicate with the main franking system. When the intelligent base station does not communicate with other systems, it can deal with communications and dispatching in its signal covering area. Through the channel relay unit the intelligent base station can be connected into the main system as a user and then connect with other networks through the main system. This configuration needn't modify the main system when extending the service area. The extrude characteristics of intelligent base station are its independent working and being a user for main franking system (common franking system, difference from Intelligent base station) when intelligent base station System communicate with other main franking system. Because of its particularity, we must design new software to make it working. The channel relay unit is the important part of the intelligent base station, without it the intelligent base station won't have the special function. In the course of designing the channel relay unit, we use existing instruments or make it to be compatible with existing instruments as possible in order to reduce cost and difficulty. Based on the analysis to the architecture of current franking system, a general design is presented in this dissertation. The principle and function features are also described in it. Signaling is a very import part of a telecommunication system, this article show the MPT1327 signaling intelligent base station uses. Following, mostly we subscribe the process of its main control software and the design method of the channel relay unit software and hardware. In the chapter of the main control software designing, firstly we lay out the flow chart of intelligent base station, then we designed some particular modules owned by the intelligent base station on the base of conunon franking system, also we play out the flow chart for every module. In the chapter of the channel relay unit designing, we introduce how to design the hardware of the channel relay unit also detailedly introduces the hardware structure and chips and how to design control software satisfied with transmission protocol. Keywords:trunking communication; intelligent base station;MPT 1327 signaling;control software;channel relay unit
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