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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目录 摘要 I 目录 III 前言 1 1数字图像处理概述 2 1.1 什么是数字图像处理 2 1.2 数字图像处理的基本要求 2 1.3 数字图像处理的应用 3 2图像处理技术及算法实现 5 2.1 图像的几何处理 5 2.1.1 图像平移   5 2.1.2 图像镜像 6 2.1.3 图像转置 7 2.1.4 图像旋转 7 2.1.5 图像缩放 10 2.2 效果处理 12 2.2.1 平滑 12 2.2.2 锐化 14 2.2.3 灰度化 15 2.2.4 反色 16 3图像处理工具箱的设计 17 3.1 系统需求分析 17 3.1.1 功能需求 17 3.1.2 界面设计 17 3.1.3 软硬件平台 17 3.1.4 开发工具 17 3.2 具体设计 17 3.2.1 准备工作 18 3.2.2 图像处理 22 3.2.3 系统实现及测试 29 总结 31 致谢 32 参考文献 33 摘要 本文的可视化图像处理程序是对图像信息处理有关的处理系统;并对数字图像处理概况进行了分析。本文设计的可视化图像处理程序是以Window Xp作为操作平台,采用Microsotf公司推出的开发Win32环境程序,面向对象的可视化集成编程系统的具有程序框架自动生成,灵活方便的类管理,代码编写和界面设计集成交互操作,可开发多种程等优点的Visual C++作为开发工具。本图像处理程序实现对灰度图像的基本操作,如图像的打开,关闭,保存;图像的基本处理,如图像平移,镜像,放大,缩小,转置,旋转;图像的反色,平滑,增加/减少亮度,边缘提取,灰度处理等等。对本系统的功能和算法进行了详细的论述。通过综述指出了目前研究中存在的问题并指出了今后的研究方向,着重论述了图像处理阶段的研究特点。 关键词:图像处理 Visual C++  算法 Abstract The visual pattern process procedure of this text is to the information processing relevant process systems of the picture ; And has analysed to the digital processing overview. The visual pattern process procedure that this text designs regards WindowXp as the operating platform , adopting the development Win32 environmental procedure that Microsotf Company puts out, target -oriented visual integrated programming has frame of procedures to produce systematically automatically, flexible and convenient kinds of management, write and design and integrate operating with the interface mutually in code, can develop Visual C ++ in such advantages as many kinds of Cheng ,etc. as the developing instrument . This pattern process procedure realizes the basic operation to the grey level picture , such as the opening of the picture, Close , Save; Basic treatment of the picture , picture Move for instance , Mirror , Enlarge , Dwindle , Displacement , Rotate , Inverse , Smoothing , Increment / Reduce bright degree , Edge couter , Gray handles , etc. Have carried on the detailed argumentation to the function and algorithm of this system. Have pointed out the problem existing while studying at present and pointed out the direction of studying in the future through the survey ,have described the research characteristic at stage of pattern process emphatically. Key words:Image Processing Visual C++ Algorithm
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