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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目录 摘 要1 Abstract2 前 言4 第一章 系统结构及功能介绍5 第二章 硬件系统的设计8 第三章 系统软件设计20 第四章 系统测试26 第五章 结束语27 致 谢28 参考文献29 摘 要 随着通讯产业的发展,电话机已经走进了千家万户;随着现代科学技术的发展,利用电话机进行远程控制的技术也日益用于生活中。本文介绍了实现基于电话线的远程控制单元的设计和实现。在文中主要介绍了该设计的硬件电路、软件设计流程、系统测试。嵌入式远程控制器的MCU采用AT89S52单片机,单片机是本系统的核心器件。由MT8870实现电话按键的DTMF信号的解码,用可多次录放的语音芯片ISD2560实现语音提示,带有串行EEPROM的CPU存储器和监控器的X5045来保存系统的控制密码,可以通过按键来修改系统密码。通过拨打电话,在接通后通过输入相应的按键实现对远程被控对象的控制。 设计了家电控制系统来识别用户的来电和按键的输入,采用语音提示来告诉用户输入相应的操作,有液晶显示方便用户修改控制密码。通过中间继电器来连接家用电器。 关键词:单片机、MT8870、DTMF、ISD2560 Abstract With the development of communications industries, have entered the telephone every household. With modern science and technology development, telephones for use in remote control technology is also increasingly used for life. This paper introduces a telephone line based Remote Control module design and implementation. In this paper introduces the design of the hardware, software design process, system testing. Embedded Remote Controller MCU used AT89S52 microprocessor, microcontroller system is the core of the device. By di telephone button DTMF signal decoders, use multiple recording and playing voice chip ISD2560 SPEECH tips with the serial EEPROM memory and CPU control for the X5045 to preserve the control code, can be the keys to amend the system password. Through telephone calls, access adopted in the corresponding input button on the remote charged with achieving the targets of control. Design of the appliance control system to identify the user of incoming calls and button input, Voice used to tell the user input corresponding operation, a user-friendly LCD control password changes. Relay through the middle to connect appliances. Keywords : microcontroller, MT8870, ISD2560
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