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发布时间:2015-01-24 来源:人大经济论坛
通信工程专业论文 目 录 1. 绪论1 1.1 课题研究背景与意义1 1.2 国内外研究现状2 1.3论文结构和研究内容3 1.4 小结3 2. 传感器网络概述4 2.1 传感器网络简介4 2.1.1 传感器网络的概念4 2.1.2 传感器网络的特点5 2.1.3 传感器网络的核心技术6 2.2 传感器网络的应用6 2.2.1 环境的检测和保护6 2.2.2 医疗护理7 2.2.3 军事领域7 2.2.4 其他应用7 2.3传感器网络面临的挑战8 2.4小结9 3. 传感器网络中的覆盖问题10 3.1 配置方式的分类10 3.1.1 确定性覆盖10 3.1.2 随机覆盖10 3.2 应用属性的分类10 3.2.1 节能覆盖11 3.2.2 栅栏覆盖11 3.2.3 连通性覆盖11 3.2.4 目标定位覆盖12 3.3 小结12 4. 基于正三角形剖分的快速k-覆盖判定算法13 4.1 基本概念13 4.2快速k-覆盖判定算法ETR-RCDA14 4.3算法性能分析15 4.4小结16 5. 模拟实验的设计和实现17 5.1 模拟环境17 5.2 主要界面17 5.2.1 用户输入界面17 5.2.2 生成网络界面18 5.2.3 选定区域轮廓界面20 5.2.4 正三角形剖分界面21 5.2.5 去冗余网络界面21 5.3模拟实验性能分析22 5.4小结22 结 论23 致 谢24 参考文献25 附录A 主要源程序27 摘 要 传感器网络综合了传感器技术、嵌入式技术、分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术,能够协作地实时监测、感知和采集各种环境或监测对象的信息,并对其进行处理,传送到这些信息的用户。传感器网络是计算机科学技术的一个新的研究领域。覆盖问题又是传感器网络研究中的一个基础课题。如何判定某个感兴趣的区域是否被一组给定的传感器节点覆盖, 在传感器网络的很多应用领域中具有重要意义。本论文提出了一种传感器网络中基于正三角形剖分的k-覆盖快速判定算ETP-RCDA(Equilateral Triangle Partition based Rapid k-Coverage Decision Algorithm)和最大k-覆盖问题的求解算法,TR-RCDA首先把感兴趣的区域剖分为正三角形区域,从而将复杂的区域覆盖问题转化为简单的正三角形区域覆盖问题。理论分析与仿真实验表明,针对具有n个节点的传感器网络,新算法的计算时间复杂度为O(n),远低于已有算法O(nlogn) 的计算时间复杂度。 关键词:传感器网络,k-覆盖问题,剖分,算法 Researches on Cube Partition based Rapid 3D k-Coverage Decision Algorithm for Sensor Networks Abstract Integrated with sensing techniques, embedded techniques, distributed Information Processing techniques and wireless communication techniques, sensor networks can be used for monitoring, sensing, collecting and processing information of monitored objects and transferring the processed information to users. Sensor network is a new research area of computer science and technology and has a wide application future. Coverage problem is a fundamental issue in the researches of sensor networks. It is important to determine whether a region of interest is sufficiently covered by a given set of sensors in lots of monitoring applications of sensor networks. An Equilateral Triangle Partition based Rapid k-Coverage Decision Algorithm is proposed, in which the region of interest is partitioned into triangles firstly, and then the complex area coverage problem is transformed into simple triangle coverage problem. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that, for sensor networks with n different sensors, the new algorithm can solve the k-coverage problem correctly for any given region of interest with time costs of O(n) only, which is far below the time costs O(nlogn) of previously well-known algorithm. Key Words: Sensor networks, k-coverage problem, Partition, Algorithm
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