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发布时间:2015-03-16 来源:人大经济论坛
光电测速设置设计(一)_电子信息工程毕业论文 摘 要 转速是各类电机运行中的一个重要物理量,如何准确、快速而又方便地测量电机转速,极为重要。 目前国内外常用的转速测量方法有离心式转速表测速法、测速发电机测速法、闪光测速法、光电码盘测速法和霍尔元件测速法等。通过对现行电动机测速方法的研究发现离心式转速表和测速发电机由于要直接与电机转轴连接,测速仪作为电机的负载,对电机功耗较大,甚至有些电机根本带不动转速表和测速发电机,所以转速表和测速发电机对电机的测速不太适用,本文提出了电动机无接触测速法。详细分析了电动机无接触测速法的测速原理,介绍了无接触测速法所用的传感器光电码盘,设计了无接触测速的三种电路:①光电码盘LED显示数字电路型,②光电码盘LED显示单片机控制型,③光电码盘LCD显示单片机控制型。对于每一种电路分析了电路的组成、工作原理、转速的计算公式、元器件的逻辑参数和特性,给出了具体的电路,对于用单片机实现的电路,还分析了软件设计的方法,给出了程序流程图和程序清单。 用这三种测速方法设计的测速仪安装维护方便,工作稳定,运行可靠,测量精度高,具有较大的推广应用价值。 关键词:电动机,单片机,传感器,无接触,测速 ABSTRACT Rotational speed is the primary physics data during the operation of various motors. It's extremely important to measure the rotational speed precisely, instantaneously and conveniently. Nowadays the rotational speed-measuring methods; which are uncommon use in the country and abroad, includes: the eccentric turn-meter, the rotational speed-measuring dynamotor, the flashlight, the photo electricity coder, the Hall sensor. Via the research into the existing measuring methods of electric motor, it's discovered that electric motors consummates too much power and even some of them cannot run the trumpeter and rotational speed-measuring dynamotor. The recruit is caused because eccentric remitter is attached to electric motor rotor directly. Based on the fact that both tempter and rotational speed-measuring dynamotor don't apply to the rotational speed-measuring of electric motor, it's essential to put-forward non-contact rev-measuring method. With scientific analysis of principle (non-contracture-measuring)of method. More details about how to make photo electricity coder and sensor are introduced in this article. Three types of circuits are presented: ①the photo electricity coder LED-displaying digital circuit ②the photo electricity coder LED-displaying single-chip microcomputer control ③the photo electricity coder LCD-displaying single-chip microcomputer control. Specific circuits designed for each style after analyzing the circuit's composing, operation principle, calculating formula, component's logic parameter and characteristics. To the circuit operated by single-chip microcomputer, the method of software-design is analyzed and the procedure flow diagram/procedure lists are also provided. With those three methods mentioned above, a new type of trumpeter can be developed. This new trumpeter has advantage in convenience if installation and maintenance. It can operate steadily, measure accurately too. The latest turnmeter's application and dissemination would be marketable and profitable. KEY WORDS: electric motor, single-chip, sensor, non-contacting, rev-measuring 目 录 第1章绪论3 1.1概述3 1.2电机转速测试技术的国内、外发展现状3 1.2.1常用的数字测速方法4 1.2.2模拟式转速测试装置8 1.2.3常用数字测速方法评价9 1.3目前国内外使用的速度测试装置存在的缺点10 第2章光电测速法的基本原理11 2.1电机转速的常用测量技术11 2.1.1机械离心式转速计测转速11 2.1.2用光电反射式传感器测转速11 2.1.3用电磁传感器测转速12 2.1.4日光灯法12 2.1.5感应线圈法13 2.1.6测振法测量转速13 2.1.7漏磁法测量转速14 2.2光电码盘测速法原理16 2.3用数字电路构成的光电码盘测速电路17 2.3.1电路概述17 2.3.2电路输出波形21 2.3.3存在问题22
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