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发布时间:2015-03-30 来源:人大经济论坛
食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要I 英文摘要II 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 研究背景和意义1 1.2乳酸菌概况2 1.3 营养要素3 1.4 培养基优化3 1.5 影响微生物生长的主要因素3 1.6展望4 2. 实验部分5 2.1 实验材料5 2.2 实验设备6 2.3 实验方法6 2.4 本章小结8 3. 结果与讨论9 3.1 乳酸杆菌在液体培养基中的生长状况9 3.2 乳酸杆菌在平皿中的生长状况9 3.3 培养基的营养优化10 3.4培养基的生长促进因子优化14 3.5培养基优化结论18 3.6培养条件优化18 3.7生长曲线21 3.8应用22 3.9 结论23 4.总结与展望25 致谢26 参考文献27 摘 要:本论文主要研究的是奶酪用乳酸杆菌的优化培养。乳酸杆菌的生长繁殖受其营养成分及生长环境的影响。基础培养基的适用者是一类菌属,但对于个别的乳酸杆菌来说,基础培养基还不能达到它的最佳营养环境,它生长的状况也不是最佳。通过在基础培养基上,探索性的添加一些矿物质、生长促进因子等手段,从而在一定程度上,得到奶酪用的乳酸杆菌的最适培养基。一般生产奶酪时,牛奶或羊奶中添加的发酵剂的培养环境为:pH在6.8,培养温度42℃,添加量为4%。在此基础上,对乳酸杆菌在培养基中培养的环境因素进行研究,从而得出它的最适生长环境。通过研究乳酸杆菌的最佳培养基及最适生长环境,测绘出它的生长曲线,以致在具体的奶酪生产中的应用有一定的参考价值。采用处于对数生长期的乳酸杆菌作为生产奶酪的发酵剂,可以缩短生产时间,从而对实际的生产达到效益提高的作用。 关键词:乳酸杆菌;改良TJA培养基;营养优化;生长促进因子;奶酪 Abstract: This article is a study of optimizing culture of Lactic acid bacteria isolated from cheese. Lactic acid bacteria growth was influence by the nutrition and growth environment. The appropriate basic culture medium is a kind of genus, but for individual Lactobacillus, the basal culture medium can not achieve its best nutritional environment,the growth also can not be achieved optimally. To a certain extent, culture medium was the best for Lactic acid bacteria applied in cheese by exploratory adding to the basal culture medium some minerals, growth-promoting factor or other means. General production of cheese, culture environment of starter added milk or goat milk: pH 6.8; incubation temperature 42℃; add content 4%. On this basis, to study the environmental factors of the lactic acid bacteria in the culture medium obtained its optimum growth environment. Lactic acid bacteria was mapped out its growth curve by studying the best medium and the optimum growth environment, then the growth curve have some reference value in a specific cheese production. Used lactic acid bacteria in the logarithmic phase as starter cultures for cheese production, can reduce production time and thus improve economic performance of production . Keywords:Lactobacillus; improved TJA medium; nutrition; growth-promoting factor; cheese;
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