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发布时间:2015-03-30 来源:人大经济论坛
食品科学与工程论文范文 目 录 中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 目录Ⅲ 1. 绪论1 1.1 微生物发酵法制作奶酪的基本原理1 1.2 影响微生物发酵法制作奶酪的主要因素1 1.3 酶法制作奶酪的基本原理2 1.4 影响酶法制作奶酪的主要因素2 2. 实验部分4 2.1 原料及试剂4 2.2 菌种4 2.3 主要仪器及设备4 2.4 实验步骤4 3. 结果与讨论18 4. 总结与展望19 致谢20 参考文献21 摘 要:目前,奶酪基本采用菌种发酵、酶、酸味剂、加热等方法进行生产。传统奶酪大多使用发酵剂生产,且风味较好。奶酪里所用的发酵剂主要为乳酸杆菌。微生物发酵法可加速脂肪水解,赋予奶酪独特的风味和香味。酶法主要是将大分子蛋白质分解为小分子蛋白质,提高奶酪的风味和香气。本次研究的是将微生物发酵法和酶法相结合,使之生产出更具独特风味的奶酪。实验室保藏乳酸杆菌的发酵产酸能力一般,此菌发酵所得的凝乳风味独特,质地均匀光滑,组织结构细腻。奶酪呈奶油状、粘稠,色泽乳白色,味微苦,咸淡适中。实验成品的各项主要指标和总体的评价都较不错,说明实验中以实验室保藏乳酸杆菌为奶酪发酵剂的尝试是可行的。 关键词:乳酸杆菌;凝乳酶;奶酪;微生物发酵. Abstract: At present,Microbial fermentation,enzymes,sour agents,heating and other methods are used in cheese production.In traditional cheese production,fermentation agents are used frequently, and the flavor is very good.The stater culture used in cheese production almostly is lactobacillus. Microbial Fermentation can accelerate the fat hydrolysis,and gives the cheese a unique flavor and aroma.Macromolecular proteins can be breaken down into small molecular proteins by enzymes, it will improve the flavor and aroma of cheese.This study is a mixture of microbial fermentation and enzymes. The fermentation capacity of this kind of Lactobacillus is common.The flavor of clabber is unique.The texture is uniform and smooth.The structure is exquisite.The cheese is creamy and thick.Color of cheese is milky.The taste is a little bitter and moderate.The main indicators and overall rating of the end product is very good.This Lactobacillus used in cheese production is feasible. Keywords:Lactobacillus;Chymosin;cheese;Microbial Fermentation.
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