目 录
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
目录 Ⅲ
1.1 前言.1
1.2 文献综述.2
1.2.1 研究现状 2
1.2.2 前景展望 5
2.1 实验器材及材料 .6
2.1.1 菌种 ..6
2.2.1 试剂 ..6
2.2.2 仪器 ..6
2.2 测定方法 .6
2.2.1 灭菌方法 6
2.2.2 残余葡萄糖测定方法 6
2.2.3 菌体生物量测定方法 6
2.2.4 虾青素含量测定方法 6
2.3 实验方法 .6
2.3.1 培养基最佳氮源确定 .6
2.3.2 培养基最佳碳源确定 7
2.4 最佳培养基的确定 .8
2.5 发夫酵母生长的动力学 11
2.6 诱变育种 14
2.6.1 紫外诱变处理.14
2.6.2 诱变后的单菌落分离.14
2.6.3 紫外诱变结果.14
2.6.4 高产菌株的稳定性实验.14
2.6.5 结论.14
摘 要:发夫酵母是发酵法生产虾青素的优良菌株。本论文采用单因素实验确定了培养基的最佳碳源为葡萄糖,最佳氮源为硫酸铵。通过正交实验确定了最优培养基为氮源:硫酸铵1.5 g/L,碳源: 葡萄糖30 g/L,C/N(碳氮比):20,酵母膏:2 g/L。对发夫酵母生长进行动力学研究,测定了法夫酵母生长过程中的生物量和培养基中的残糖,了解了葡萄糖利用率对与发酵时间的关系,22-49小时,细胞数以几何级数增长,进入了对数期。此时酵母分解葡萄糖,代谢产生了大量的有机酸,使PH值急剧下降。53小时以后,菌体浓度一直比较稳定,酵母菌进入了稳定期。此时葡萄糖利用率已经很高,若要酵母菌继续繁殖,需加入更多的营养物质。采用紫外照射的方法对发夫酵母单孢子悬液进行诱变,提高了虾青素的产量,并且稳定。
Abstract: Phaffia rhodozyma is a good strain for astaxanthin production. Single factor experiment used in this papers identified glucose the best carbon for the medium,and (NH4)2SO4 is the best nitrogen. By orthogonal experimental medium for determining the optimal nitrogen source: (NH4)2SO4 1.5 g / L, carbon: glucose 30 g / L, C / N (carbon and nitrogen ratio): 20, yeast extract: 2 g / L.According to biomass and residual sugar in the medium of yeast in the process of the growth of Phaffia rhodozyma, we know the relationship between the utilization of glucose and the fermentation time, 22-49 hours, cells in a geometric Series growth and entered a period of a few. At this point yeast decomposition of glucose metabolism have a lot of organic acids, the PH value dropped drastically. 53 hours later, the cell concentration has been relatively stable, and yeast into a stable period. At this point glucose utilization has been high, to continue to yeast reproduction, the need to include more nutrients.UV-induced methods used to improve the astaxanthin production.
Keywords:Phafia rhodozyma;astaxanthin;mutat ion breeding