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发布时间:2015-04-06 来源:人大经济论坛
印刷工程专业论文范文 目 录 摘 要I AbstractII 目录III 1. 绪论1 1.1 CAI建设的作用和意义1 1.2 课件制作的内容和意义1 1.3 CAI建设内容2 2. 印刷工程专业对课程的要求3 2.1 教学计划4 2.2 教学内容5 2.3 参考教材9 3. 课件的制作10 3.1 软件及设备11 3.2制作方法及步骤12 4. 结论14 致谢15 参考文献16 附件1:幻灯片样张17 摘 要: 印刷品质量检测与控制CAI的建设运用了POWERPOINT软件作为制作课件的主要软件,通过PHOTOSHOP以及扫描仪软件来制作相关的图片,将文字与图片合理的结合,运用POWERPOINT自带的动画与动作效果,丰富其内容。最终建立以个图文并茂,有声有动的课件,达到吸引学生注意力,加深学生相关理论知识要点的目的。通过课件的制作,更加了解POWERPOINT,PHOTOSHOP等软件以及扫描仪的操作。将CAI建设有利于印刷专业教师的教学,能够提高该课程的教学效果。 关键词:CAI;POWERPOINT;制作 Abstract:Print quality inspection and control of the construction of CAI software used for the production of courseware POWERPOINT major software and PHOTOSHOP scanner related software to produce images, text and pictures will be a combination of reasonable use POWERPOINT own animation and motion effects, rich in its contents. In the final establishment of the aid of diagrams, audio courseware has moved to attract students to the attention of the relevant theoretical knowledge to enhance the students the purpose of the main points. Through the courseware production, a better understanding of POWERPOINT, PHOTOSHOP, such as software and scanner operation. CAI building will be conducive to the printing professional teachers, to improve the teaching effectiveness of the course. Keywords: CAI; powerpoint;production
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