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发布时间: 来源:人大经济论坛

1.题名: Transformational Supervision: When Supervisors Mentor

作者: W. Brad Johnson

期刊:Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Volume 38, Issue 3, June 2007, Pages 259-267

2.题名:A Qualitative Examination of the Relationships That Serve a Mentoring Function for Mexican American Older Adolescents

作者: Bernadette Sánchez, Olga Reyes, Joshua Singh

期刊:Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Volume 12, Issue 4, October 2006, Pages 615-631

3.题名:Mentoring: What we know and where we might go

作者: Raymond A. Noe, David B. Greenberger, Sheng Wang

期刊:Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Volume 21, 2002, Pages 129-173

4.题名:What did you expect? An examination of career-related support and social support among mentors and protégés

作者: Angela M. Young, Pamela L. Perrewé

期刊:Journal of Management, Volume 26, Issue 4, 8 July 2000, Pages 611-632

5.题名:Race, Gender, and Opportunity: A Study of Compensation Attainment and the Establishment of Mentoring Relationships

作者: George F. Dreher, Taylor H. Cox Jr.

期刊:Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 81, Issue 3, June 1996, Pages 297-308

6.题名:Mentoring in public accounting firms: An analysis of mentor-protégé relationships, mentorship functions, and protégé turnover intentions

作者: T. A. Scandura, R. E. Viator

期刊:Accounting, Organizations and Society, Volume 19, Issue 8, November 1994, Pages 717-734

7.题名:The Effects of Sex and Gender Role Orientation on Mentorship in Male-Dominated Occupations

作者: Scandura Terri A., Ragins Belle Rose

期刊:Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 43, Issue 3, December 1993, Pages 251-265

8.题名:Mentor Reactions to Proteges: An Experiment with Managers

作者: Olian Judy D., Carroll Stephen. J., Giannantonio Cristina M.

期刊:Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 43, Issue 3, December 1993, Pages 266-278

9.题名:Gender and willingness to mentor in organizations

作者: Belle Rose Ragins, John L. Cotton

期刊:Journal of Management, Volume 19, Issue 1, Spring 1993, Pages 97-111

10.题名:The Role of Mentoring in the Information Gathering Processes of Newcomers during Early Organizational Socialization

作者: Ostroff Cheri, Kozlowski Steve W. J.

期刊:Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 42, Issue 2, April 1993, Pages 170-183

11.题名:The Mentoring Relationship

作者: Vicki J. Fox, Jane C. Rothrock, Milha Skelton

期刊:AORN, Volume 56, Issue 5, November 1992, Pages 858, 860-862, 864, 866-867

12.题名:Gender and the Mentoring Process for Women: Implications for Professional Development

作者: Lucia Albino Gilbert, Karen M. Rossman

期刊:Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Volume 23, Issue 3, June 1992, Pages 233-238

13.题名:Perceptions of mentor roles in cross-gender mentoring relationships

作者: Belle Rose Ragins, Dean B. McFarlin

期刊:Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 37, Issue 3, December 1990, Pages 321-339

14.题名:A Comparative Study of Mentoring Among Men and Women in Managerial, Professional, and Technical Positions

作者: George F. Dreher, Ronald A. Ash

期刊:Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 75, Issue 5, October 1990, Pages 539-546

15.题名:What do proteges look for in a mentor? Results of three experimental studies

作者: Judy D. Olian, Stephen J. Carroll, Christina M. Giannantonio, Dena B. Feren

期刊:Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 33, Issue 1, August 1988, Pages 15-37

16.题名:Multiple Professional Identities: Examining Differences in Identification Across Work-Related Targets

作者: Michael D. Johnson, Frederick P. Morgeson, Daniel R. Ilgen, Christopher J. Meyer, James W. Lloyd

期刊:Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 91, Issue 2, March 2006, Pages 498-506

17.题名:Multiple Dimensions of Organizational Identification and Commitment as Predictors of Turnover Intentions and Psychological Well-Being

期刊:Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, Volume 37, Issue 3, July 2005, Pages 159-169

作者: Gregory E. Harris, James E. Cameron

18.题名: Formal and informal mentorships: A comparison on mentoring functions and contrast with nonmentored counterparts.

作者: Chao, G. T., Walz, P. M., & Gardner, P. D.

期刊:Personnel Psychology .(1992).45, 619–636.

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